Thursday, September 16, 2010


The class did pretty well for the substitute yesterday. I did have lists of kids who were talking after she had told them to quiet down, they will have initials on their incentive card. I also will give initials to kids who didn't have their current event done. This will be homework every Tuesday night, so they need to get used to it! If your child didn't finish their Science poster or family interview, I will be writing in their agendas. If these do not get done, they will miss out on our Sept. incentive coming up.

Please remember to go through your child's Thursday folder tonight and sign and date on a line.


Lang. Arts: Read poem to an adult and giet it signed for tomorrow.

Math: do Homework and Remembering (FP5) for tomorrow. I gave th e class 5 minutes in class to get a head start.

Science: get your study guide signed and return it tomorrow. The quiz is tomorrow.

Book order due tomorrow
field trip $4 due tomorrow

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