Friday, September 30, 2011


Today we had our trip to 1,000 Islands. It went very well. THe kids had fun exploring animals in the creek, learning about and doing a lab about the chemistry of the Fox River, and taking a hike. Please ask your child about it! I was unable to collect the Hatchet papers today, so I will do it on Monday.

We also got to 10 class E-Tickets today! I will be planning a time for our reward of watching the movie that goes along with the book Hatchet. Be on the lookout for a note that will come soon.

I will hopefully post photos from our trip on this blog this weekend.


Other: PG movie notes signed

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today we talked about our field trip tomorrow to 1,000 Islands. Please see the half sheet reminder note that I am sending home tonight for details.


ILA: Hatchet final alternate ending due tomorrow. We have worked on this in class for the past few days, so finish it up at home.

Book order due tomorrow
Field Trip tomorrow
Dress for the weather!!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today we had Art, Phy ed, and Music! We also worked a bit on our Hatchet alternate ending. The final copy is due Friday. We will have one more time to work on it in class tomorrow.

A reminder that we have a field trip on Friday. It is supposed to be colder that day. Please dress in layers and bring a change of pants, socks, and shoes because part of the trip we will be in a creek up to our knees. Most of the class chose to have a lunch made for them at school. If you are making your own lunch, please remember it! If any parents want to join us at 1,000 Islands, they can drive themselves and meet us there around 9. We will be there until 2:00pm.


Multiplication timing sheet needs to be completed for practice if your child is under 40/80
Homework and Remembering 2.2 due tomorrow

ILA: Hatchet alternate ending due Friday-one more work day in class tomorrow

Spelling: Study words-I am giving the test on Thursday because of our trip Friday.

Book order due Friday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Today we did a Science lab using Yeast, Sugar, and warm water. Thanks Eggert family for sending in some dry yeast for us to use!!!! We will be processing our observations we made during the lab at our next Science class. We have also been reading some Science non-fiction books in Reading groups this week.


Spelling: Study new list. Go to Spelling City (link is on my blog to the right) and loging as "teggek" and password "teggek". This week's list is titled Homophones II. Next week we will be getting into Spelling groups.

ILA: Final Hatchet alternate ending due Friday-we are working on this in class, but if your child is behind, they need to work on it at home.

Other: Culver's PTO night is tonight at the Darboy Culver's from 4:30-7:30. I might be able to stop in for some ice cream after 6pm-hope to see you there!!!

Field Trip is Friday

Book order is due Friday

Monday, September 26, 2011


Today we welcomed a new student to our class. Everybody was very helpful to Kevon. Thanks for following the Eagle Way.


Science: I am in need of some dry yeast. If anybody has any at home that they would be willing to give up to the pursuit of Science, I would be very greatful!

Field Trip Friday
Book Order due Friday

Friday, September 23, 2011


Yesterday we had two birthdays! Happy Birthday Kaylee and Rayshon! Today we had library for the first time. We will be having library every Friday. Students can check out books for two weeks at a time.

We took our Math Unit 1 Test today. I will send them home to be signed soon after I correct them.


Other: Book order due next Friday
Field Trip next Friday
Pizza Fundraiser

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The class got a class E-Ticket from Mrs. Kellnhauser for having such a positive attitude in her class today! Way to follow the Eagle Way!!!


Math: fill in your time test sheet if you got lower than 40 out of 80 during our two minute timing. If it is not filled in you will finish it during recess tomorrow.

Field trip next Friday
Book Order due next Friday
Patrols on post until the end of October
Book It will start in October-this will entail reading 20 minutes every school night.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Today we had guidance and our first fire drill. The kids did really well staying in line basics during the drill.

I also met with the safety patrols from my class. They got their schedules and will start on Monday. I told them to bring their schedules home for parents to see. Make a note of the times they need to be on patrol. The 8:05 on Tues-Thurs mornings should be changed to 7:55.

I will be out on Monday for a personal day. I think Mrs. Irish will be our guest teacher. I expect the students to follow the Eagle Way for her.


Math: finish any late work in your packets

Other: Field trip slips and money due ASAP!

Other: Patrols start Monday-am starts at 7:55, pm goes until 3:30

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Both of our copy machines have been broken all week. Because of this, I am unable to send home a Thursday Fridge Note (Newsletter) this week. As soon as I have entered all of the email addresses that you gave me I will be able to send them electronically!

I have been talking to the class about being able to work for an extended amount of time wihtout getting off task. In 5th grade, students should be able to read silently for 30 sustained minutes without having to talk or get up. Some days they are reading a sustained time while other groups are meeting, so using body basics is important!

Mr. Larson went over some changes to our lunchroom routines with each class this week. My class had a great start using them yesterday. Thanks for the effort to follow the Eagle Way! We are almost done with our classroom expectations matrix. When we are, I will send a copy home with each student.


Math: Homework and remembering 1.8. Please check your child's Math packet. Any ones that we didn't do, we crossed out. If there is a page that isn't crossed out, but incomplete, they should be finishing those pages as well.

Science: our mnemonic device for classification systems is tomorrow. Please study your mnemonic device from your Science notebook again tonight.

Other: 1,000 Island field trip slip, lunch to go slip, and $4 due tomorrow. Please let me know if you cannot afford this trip.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today we talked again about our Eagle Expectations in the lunchroom. Tomorrow Mr. Larson will meet us in the commons to talk about it further. So far, the kids are following the expectations there very well.

Tomorrow we have Art for the first time. If your child did not buy colored pencils to bring to school, please send them tomorrow.


Science: Study your animal classification Mnemonic device in your notebook for 5-10 minutes. Quiz will be on Friday.

Math: Homework and Remembering 1-6 due tomorrow

Spanish: Finish your weather note cards for tomorrow-color the pictures!!!

Other: Field trip money and slip due Friday
Patrols will meet with me on Friday at afternoon recess to get their assignments that start next week.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Today we had the first day of a writing assessment. We are looking forward to having Art for the first time on Wednesday. All students need to bring a 12 pack of colored pencils to art on Wed., so make sure they have them ready at school.

I have been getting some complaints about fooling around in the bathroom. I have a lot of kids telling me they have an emergency but then are caught sitting on sinks and just fooling around. I would like you to talk to you child about not abusing the bathroom passes.


Other: 1,000 Island Field Trip slip and $4 due Friday

Other: Colored pencils for Art Wednesday

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Happy Birthday Aubrey! Thanks so much for the yummy cookie treat your mom brought into class!

Hope to see you all at the Hand in Hand orientation tomorrow! 5th grade parents come to the LMC at 8:25!!!


Math: Homework and REmembering 1-3 due tomorrow

Other: Return all signed slips. Patrol permission slips are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today we had our all-school PBIS kickoff! You will learn more about PBIS when you come to the Hand in Hand orientation this Friday!


Language Arts: Help your child think of things that have happened in their lives that they could use to write stories about.

Math: Finish Homework and Remembering 1.2 if you are not done.

Other: Return all signed slips. Hand in Hand is this Friday from 8:25-9:45. Parents come to the LMC to begin.

My home email is
my school email is
my home phone is 997-0640
My cell is 277-4167

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Welcome back to school! Our first day went very well. We talked about some new universal rules at BDM. Take a look at the back of the take home folder to see the expectations. We will be making one for our classroom as well.


Other: Please return all slips that were sent home on the meet and greet night. If you were unable to make it that night, I sent home the papers with your child today.

Other: Send a water bottle with your child to keep in the room with them.