Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today we had Art, Phy ed, and Music! We also worked a bit on our Hatchet alternate ending. The final copy is due Friday. We will have one more time to work on it in class tomorrow.

A reminder that we have a field trip on Friday. It is supposed to be colder that day. Please dress in layers and bring a change of pants, socks, and shoes because part of the trip we will be in a creek up to our knees. Most of the class chose to have a lunch made for them at school. If you are making your own lunch, please remember it! If any parents want to join us at 1,000 Islands, they can drive themselves and meet us there around 9. We will be there until 2:00pm.


Multiplication timing sheet needs to be completed for practice if your child is under 40/80
Homework and Remembering 2.2 due tomorrow

ILA: Hatchet alternate ending due Friday-one more work day in class tomorrow

Spelling: Study words-I am giving the test on Thursday because of our trip Friday.

Book order due Friday

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