Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Today we had our fall party. It was a lot of fun! Thanks Mrs. Eggert and Mrs. Roberts for helping us out during the craft time and the treats!


No school Thursday and Friday!

Finish group book over the long weekend

study your address-only 2 students in the class have gotten it all correct so far!!!

WKCE testing next week

Fall Party 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


This week is a short week. We have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then have Thursday and Friday off.


Other: our fall aprty is Wed from 12:40-1:40. Bring in a small pumpkin to decorate and any supplies you would like to use as well.

Baby photos due Monday

UNICEF due Wed.

BAttle of the Books permission

Conference slips due

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The class behaved mostly for Mrs. Henkel yesterday while I was at a meeting. She told me that they were very talkative and got up from their seats a lot. We are still working on these things in class.

I sent home MAP testing with a informative pamphlet. Please look at these. If you had not had conferences with you yet, I will be able to talk to you about them more on your conference night.


Reading: Read 20 minutes for Book-It

Language arts: Study your address!!!
finish your group pages

Spelling: Study for test tomorrow

Spanish b-day cake paper due Monday
Book order due Tomorrow
$1 T-Shirt maintenance money
conference slips
baby photos

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Picture retake day is tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tomorrow we will have Mrs. Henkel as a guest teacher while I am at a meeting all day. Please use the Eagle Way for her.


Reading: finish group pages and read for 20 minutes

Spelling: Do your ten sentences and have an adult help you fix them before you hand them in tomorrow.

Math: Timings-finish it if you didn't get 50

Baby photos
Book orders due Friday
conference slips
$1 for t-shirt maintenance

Monday, October 17, 2011

Photos of our class


Today was a busy day! We filled out conference packets in Spanish class and started a new Math unit.


Reading: Finish group pages and read 20 minutes.

Spelling: I will get the lists on Spelling City by Tuesday. Study

Math: Homework and remembering 3.1 , also, bring back Unit 2 tests! The sub wasn't supposed to send those home yet!!!!

Baby Photos
Book order due Friday
Conference slips due ASAP!
$1 for t-shirt maintenance
Fall party note

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I was very disappointed in the class and their homework completion this morning. Yesterday I assigned them to write ten sentences with their ten spelling words. They had about ten minnutes in class to start this assignment. I only had 4 students out of 24 have it done today. Please make sure your kids are filling out and checking their agendas nightly!


Reading: read assigned pages, and read 20 minutes for Book It

Spelling: Study words, finish 10 sentences if you didn't finish them last night.

Baby photos for yearbook
Conference slips
UNICEF boxes

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Today we worked very hard during reading class. We talked about what shorthand is-it was mentioned in one of the group's books. I made a copy of how to write a type of shorthand for the students to take home.

I also sent home a conference note that needs to be completed by tommorrow. Our school usually does a better job of planning ahead to give parents time to plan further ahead, but time got away from us and our first conferences are this coming Monday. If you are able to come this coming Monday, that would be great! Look at all of the dates and times on the slip, choose the ones that work for you, and send it back ASAP! Thanks so much for understanding!


Reading: read 20 minutes. Finish group pages

Writing: finish the rough draft of a story for tomorrow-we have been working on this for a week in class.

Spelling: finish 10 sentences for tomorrow using your spelling words

Math: Finish timing if necessary

Other: Baby photo for yearbook
UNICEF boxes until Oct. 28th
Conference note due tomorrow!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have added the website that Mrs. Gronke talked about in Art class to my useful links on the right hand side of my blog. Check it out! Remember that we are studying one point perspective in art class right now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today we took a short quiz in Math on finding the area of a parallelogram and an triangle. Our book order also came in today. I will be sending home another book order soon. I do one a month.

The 5th grade is collecting money for UNICEF during the month of October. This is optional. Whatever class collects the most change will win a reward.


Reading: Finish group pages. Read 20 min for Book It

Spelling: Test tomorrow

Math: finish Homework and remembering 2.4 if you didn't finish it last night. Finish timing if you are under 50/100.

Other: UNICEF starts tomorrow
Baby photos for yearbook
Food for Hatchet movie on Monday

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Today we talked more about the genre of mystery/suspense. The features in a mystery are the suspects, clues, foreshadowing, and red herrings. We are all reading a mystery in groups-so we will be on the lookout for these features.


Math: Finish timings, get Math test signed and returned-it is late!!!

Reading: finish group pages, read 20 min for Book It

Spelling: Study for Friday

Pictures went home today-if you do not like your child's picture, send the entire packet back to school I will hold onto it until Oct. 20th-retake day.

Pizza fundraiser orders and money are due tomorrow. A reminder slip was sent home today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today we did some freewriting. We came up with a master list of possible topics in case someone doesn't know what to write about.


Spelling: Study, test Friday

Reading: read 20 min for Book It. Finish reading group pages if you didn't finish at school.

Math: Return signed Unit 1 test tomorrow. Finish timing if you got under 50
buy a ruler and scissors if you do not already have them!

Other: phy ed/music tomorrow

Monday, October 3, 2011


Our class earned ten E-Tickets!!! I will be planning a day when we can watch the movie that goes along with the book Hatchet for next week. I will send a note home about it soon!


Math: finish timing sheet if you didn't get to 50. Get your Math Unit 1 Test signed by a parent and return by Wed.

Reading: Read 20 minutes and mark it off on your Book-It sheet

Spelling: Study new list