Friday, September 28, 2012


Today we had a productive day in all subjects.  The one place that we had some issues was at lunch. I had reports of students spitting-I think in the commons.  I discussed how spitting, especially at people, is highly inappropriate in school or beyond.  The other issue is lining up with line basics after lunch recess. The supervisors told me that some kids were making comments liek they were 5th graders and didn't need to follow the rules, or they couldn't line up in line basics. Please discuss these issues with your child. If they are not involved, helping them to know how to be a positive leader in class would be helpful to me!


Reading: 20 minutes

Other: conference time slips due

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I am back after two days of Math training.  I will be at this training for 2 days in October as well.  The class did have some issues with respecting our Guest teacher the first day.  I am hoping that on other days I have a guest teacher, students will be able to be leaders and show others how to follow the Eagle Way.


Other: return conference time preference sheet by tomorrow
Fundraiser order forms and money is due tomorrow
Popcorn Friday tomorrow-25 cents a bag!

Math: Do 1-6 on page 21 in Math workbook.  Finish time test packet- I will collect it tomorrow.

Reading: 20 minutes

Monday, September 24, 2012


Sorry for the late post. I will have a guest teacher in my room Tuesday and Wednesday this week while I am being trained for a Math assessment. I will be at BDM, so I can keep tabs on what is going on in the class. If I don't post to my blog, that might be why.


Math: HWK/REM 1.7 due Tuesday, finish Addition time test.

Science: Read pgs 38-39 in preparation for tomorrow's lesson

Reading 20 minutes

Friday, September 21, 2012


Happy Birthday Autumn and Klayton who had birthdays this week!  Thank you to both of you for the treats you brought in for the class. Also, Jason had a great week as our first student "BFF."  Thank you for your treat as well. We enjoyed hearing you share about the objects you brought in!

We took our last MAP test today-it was on language usage. I will send home a report soon showing their scores along with a goal sheet so they can set a goal for the next MAP test in the winter.  During parent/teacher conferences in October I can go over any questions you might have about the MAP tests.


Math: HWK/REM 1.6 due Monday, buy flash cards

Other: Patrols still on duty next week

Reading: 20 minutes

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today we took our Math MAP test on the computer. Our last one, the Language portion will be taken tomorrow from 2-3pm.


Math: HWK/REM 1.5-I told kids to take home their journals so they could have examples of how to do the problems.  Finish Division time test sheet.  Flash cards.

Reading: 20 minutes

Other: Book orders due tomorrow
MAP Language test 2-3 pm Friday
Thursday Folders signed and returned by Monday

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today we had picture day and Guidance class for the first time this year!  We had share time, and then Mrs. Hess read a book to the class.  Ask your child what it was about!  Also, Ross wore the Peanut Butter Jelly shirt....ask your child what that means....


Other: book orders due Friday
           Math MAP Test tomorrow from 11-12

Math: finish multiplication sheet. NO HWK/REM tonight, bring in flash cards

Reading: 20 minutes

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


We took our Reading MAP test today on the computers.  I think the class really focused and tried their best on the test.  We will be doing Language and Math on Thursday and Friday.

We are still working on being at a level zero during transition times in class and during reading and writing workshop.  Most of the class has this rule down, but some still need to follow it. Ask your child how that is going for them.


Other: Picture Day tomorrow!!!!
           Book orders due Friday
           Patrols continue being at your posts

Math: finish addition and subtraction sheets. No HWK/REM.  We still need flash cards!

Reading: 20 minutes

Monday, September 17, 2012


Sorry for posting so late!  Today we talked a bit about our upcoming Reading MAP test tomorrow.  Reading questions over to make sure you understand them, and going back to look at the reading passage for answers can both help.


Math: HWK/REM 1.4, addition facts sheet

Reading: 20 minutes, MAP test tomorrow

Other: Stevie B's BDM night

Friday, September 14, 2012


Today we had our first fire drill. We went over the procedures and the class did a nice job following them.  I reminded them to talk to people at home for a plan that you use at your house in case a fire starts.


Reading: 20 minutes

Math: fill in division answers if you didn't already, get flash cards

Other: Book Order due the 21st, Fundraiser going on


Our class got to do a microscope lab this week!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today we handed out the BDM PTO fundraiser packets. Please read the front of the envelope for the important dates.


Math: finish division timing facts for tomorrow.  NO homework and remembering tonight.

Reading: read 20 minutes

Other: book orders due the 21st
           Thursday folders emptied, signed, and returned by Monday
           Patrols start Monday-a schedule is on the back of today's Fridge Note.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today we had our first Eagle Training. We talked about what we learned last week in our all school kick off to PBIS.  Then we talked about the freezy pop challenge that Mr. Larson gave to us for Sept. If we get 8 class E-Tickets for good behavior we get the treat for the class. We are already up to 5!!!!  We got them for using line basics in the hallway, working quietly in class, and listening to the teacher.  Other teachers noticed our class doing these things-great job!


Math: Homework and REmembering 1.3 due tomorrow
           fill in any blanks on multiplication time test
           buy flash cards and bring them to school

Reading: read 20 minutes

Other:  Book order due Sept. 21st

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We had library for the first time today. If you owe a fine on a book but cannot afford to pay it all, please send something, even a dollar, with a note so we know the situation!  We check out books every Tuesday and they can keep the books for two weeks. Finding a safe spot to keep library books in if they bring them home is a good idea.

We learned about the 6 kingdoms in Science-can your kids name them????


Math: homework 1.2-if they finished it in class I asked them to bring it home to show to an adult.
           fill in any blank subtraction problems from our Rocket Math today

Reading: 20 minutes.  Check out the Link to Jane Yolen's home page that I added on my blog.

Science: Bring in three smaller items from home for tomorrow.

Other:  Patrol meeting at lunch recess tomorrow
book order due Sept 21st

Monday, September 10, 2012


Today was a busy Monday-the first of the year! We had Music and Phy Ed for the first time.  Mr. Larson stopped by and talked to us about how important attendance is for learning at school.  We are trying to make a goal of 95 percent here 95 percent of the time!


Other: patrol slips due

          book orders due Sept. 21st-online ordering is the best. If you can't do that, please send a check
          written to "Scholastic" to school with your order.

Math:  We need more flash cards!  Not everybody bought them off of the supply list.  Please go to the
           dollar store or another store to get addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you can
           donate extras, that would also be appreciated!

           Finish any blank problems on your addition Rocket Math sheet.

          Finish Remembering 1.2 if you didn't finish it over the weekend.

Reading: Read 20 minutes

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hand in Hand


Thank you so much for coming to Hand in Hand parent orientation today! We are so lucky to have this program for you at BDM-a time to see your kids in the classroom and get information you need!  I appreciate you taking time to come to this event.


Math: do only the Remembering side of the lesson 1-2 sheet. We will do the other side on Monday.


Get all papers signed and returned, return Thursday folder
Book order due Sept. 21
Patrol slip due Monday

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today we had our all school Eagle Training.  We went through rotations going over the Eagle Way in different parts of the school.  Our class did very well. We even got a class E-ticket from Mrs. Eiden for great line basics on the way to the final assembly!  If we get 8 class E-tickets this month, we will get freezy pops from Mr. Larson!


Hand in Hand parent orientation from 8:25-9:45. Please show up a few minutes early and check in at the library.

Science: classification worksheet due tomorrow

Reading: Read 20 minutes

Other: Go through papers in the large folder, sign and date on a line, and return to school

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today we spent more time getting our supplies in order.  We did have a discussion about trying to keep food off of the ground in the lunchroom since it seemed to be a bit of an issue today.

Tomorrow we will be having a PBIS training day for all of the school. It will be a recap of our PBIS rules and procedures for the students.  It should be tons of fun!


Get agenda signed
read a book of your choice for 20 minutes
fill in any missing Math time facts that you didn't do during timing today.
Make sure parents fill out and return any papers that were sent home.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day!


Today was a great first day of school!  We had some time to get to know each other, went through supplies, and had Art class.


Reading: 20 minutes


Parents sign agendas every night
Get papers filled out and return to school
Hand in Hand parent orientation Friday from 8:25-9:45 (5th grade)
You can bring a healthy snack and a water bottle
No flip flops on the playground

I posted the Conspiracy 365 webpage onto the links to the right of the page.  Check it out!  I will post the class picture as soon as it comes through on my email!