Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zhu Zhu Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety


Happy Halloween!  Be safe trick or treating tonight-remember the safety rules from Eagle Training today!


Social Studies: get quiz signed and return

Reading: get Book It calendar signed and return

Other: baby photos and UNICEF due Friday

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pajama Day!

We all had fun with our Pajama Day that we earned with ten class E-tickets!  

Hurricane Sandy

1 Day Ago-Globe View

1 Day Ago

4 Days Ago 


I posted the Elements Song by the band They Might Be Giants to my blog.  Since we are working on that in Science class, it is a fun song to know. The video is cool too!  I also added a website called Little Alchemy that my daughter likes.  It kind of goes with what we are learning because you put two things together to make another-just like you can put elements together to make compounds etc.

Mr. Larson also came in to our class to talk about WKCE scores and why we should try our best when we take the WKCE tests next week.

I will also try to post satellite photos of Hurricane Sandy.  We looked at a few in class today.


Math: cut out flash cards and put them in two ziploc bags.

Reading: Book-It calendar due tomorrow signed by an adult.

Science: Read pgs 348-349 for tomorrow.  Get Social Studies quiz signed and return ASAP

The Elements Song

Monday, October 29, 2012


Today we walked to the high school to see the Day of the Dead showcase in the gym.  This event is open to the public tonight from 5-7pm.  I put the photos we took on another post.


Science: Read page 343 for tomorrow.

Math: None-we took the WKCE practice test today in class.

Reading: 20 minutes.  Signed Pizza Hut Book It calendar due Wednesday.

Other: UNICEF money and Baby Photos due Wednesday!  PJ day tomorrow-you can bring a blanket to use on the floor and a pillow if you want.

Day of the Dead Walking Field Trip

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today we had an all school assembly about Respect.  I posted the video our school made on our blog for you to see. We also had Guidance and Spanish classes today.  PBIS Eagle training was on how to line up after lunch recess using line basics.


No school Thursday and Friday
Next Tuesday is a PJ/Sleeping bag day-the class voted because we earned ten class e-tickets
Monday is our walking field trip to the HS to see the Day of the Dead presentations in the gym-all students returned their permission slips.
Baby photos and UNICEF boxes due back to school by the 31st.

Spanish: bring a clipboard if you have one (or as many as you can) we can use them for our scavenger hunt papers for our trip to the HS Monday.

BDM Respect Video

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today we got to go into the computer lab and type some more of our pieces to publish on Google Drive.  If you have internet, your child can work on things kept there at your house. Have them show you!


Math: correct your quick quiz with a pen and return on Monday.  Get your Math test signed and returned.

Reading: read 20 minutes and finish the pencil and pen part of your Biography poster for Monday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

PAC Trip

Our finished explorer map...

Here is an example of the explorer map that we worked on for the last week. It shows the routes of Columbus, Magellan, and Hudson.  They were all trying to find a shorter route to the Indies for trade purposes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Today we talked about some vocabulary and other background information about the show we are seeing tomorrow at the PAC.  The musical is called Virtually Me.  Ask your child some things they learned about it today.  Please dress nicely for our trip. We will be leaving on the bus at 8:55 and getting back to BDm around 11:30.


Math: HWK/REM 2.4  Finish the HWK and REM side-we did some in class.

Other: PAC trip tomorrow, book order due Friday, PBIS Family Night Thursday at 6:15

Reading: 20 minutes

Flowers in Spanish Class

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Today we learned about the difference between an autobiography and a memoir.  See if your child can tell you some differences.

We also talked about how the behavior was yesterday for our Guest Teacher and tried to come up with a personal list to work on for the next time we might have one.


Other: Day of the Dead walking field trip slip due Friday
Book order due Friday
Baby photos/UNICEF due 10-31

Math: HWK 2.3 even  numbers only.  REM 2.3 1, 2, 4, 5

Social Studies: Read pgs 174-175 in text

Reading: 20 minutes

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today we had Mrs. McKinght as our guest teacher. I hope all went well!!!


 Baby photos and UNICEF boxes due 10-31
Book orders due Friday
Day of the Dead walking field trip form due Friday

 HWK/REM 2.2

20 minutes-mark on your Book It calendar

Friday, October 12, 2012


Today we had a tornado drill-ask your children what we did for it.  We also talked about a situation that a note was sent home about today. Please talk to your kids and make a plan just in case they were ever locked out of your house etc.


Math: cut apart the cards on the pages you ripped out and put them in the ziploc bag. Bring back for Monday.

Other: Guest teacher on Monday-please behave!
Baby photos and UNICEF due 10-31, Book orders due 10-19

Have a great weekend!!!

Making Flowers for Day of the Dead

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today we had a short morning.  We discussed how our Math workshop is going to look and sound and then we learned how to play "War" using flash cards.  We also got some papers for the Book-It reading program through Pizza Hut. Read the parent letter that I sent home and see the calendar in your child's agenda.  We also learned how to respond in writing to a current event.


Math: finish HWK/REM 2.1 if you didn't last night

Reading: 20 minutes

Social Studies: Read ps 152-153 in your textbook

Other: Baby photos/UNICEF due 10-31, Book orders due 10-19, Popcorn Friday tomorrow, conferences today-see Fridge Note for times.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today Mrs. McNight was our guest teacher. Most of the class was very helpful and respectful. Some of the class still needs to work on their Eagle Way skills for adults at BDM. I will be discussing this at conferences.

Tomorrow are the first round of conferences:

1-1:20 Brandon
1:20-1:40 Madison
1:40-2 Scarlett
2:40-3 Leo
3-3:20 Ryan
3:40-4 colton
4-4:20 Ross

5-5:20 Scottie
5:20-5:40 Layla
5:40-6 Iliana
6-6:20 August
6:20-6:40 Autumn
6:40-7 Bridgett
7-7:20 Destiny
7:20-7:40 Alexa

If you can't make it, please email or text me 277-0640


Math: HWK/REM 2.1

Social Studies: Current event to share

Other: Baby photos and UNICEF due 10-31

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today a large protion of the class had a really hard time with following rules. I am not sure if it was the rain or what. We have had indoor recess twice before, and my class behaved nicely. Today, at least half of the class was running around and using the document camera on my computer-they all know that they shouldnot be by my desk or computer during indoor recess. I still have some students telling the supervisors they do not need to listen to them because they are not their mother or teacher.
I find this very disrespectful behavior.  Please talk to your child about how to behave for any adult at BDM. I have a Guest Teacher tomorrow because I am in a meeting. Mrs. McKnight was here the last time, so she knows the students and they know her. I am expecting exceptional behavior for her tomorrow.


Other: Conferences this Thursday for half the class, baby photos and UNICEF due 10-31, book orders due 10-19

Social Studies: Read pages 150-151 in text book for tomorrow

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today we learned about how to use transitional words in our writing and how to compare and contrast themes in different texts.


Math: Study pages 31-32 for the Unit 1 test tomorrow-no fact practice.

Other: Baby photos and UNICEF money due 10-31, Book orders due 10-19, conference slips due ASAP

Reading: 20 minutes

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today was a busy day!  Conference slips and school pictures went home tonight. Please sign the conference slips and get them back to me ASAP.  If the time/date doesn't work, please let me know by email or note.  If you want your child to get retakes, retake day is October 24th. Send back the envelope with the pictures inside and I can keep it safe for them to hand in when they get the retakes done.


Other: Thursday Fridge Note will go home tomorrow....
UNICEF boxes due Oct 31st
Baby pics for the yearbook due Oct. 31st
Book orders due October 19th-online code for first time users is GTNGK

Math: pg 27 in workbook.  Finish division timing.

Social Studies: read the Columbus poem and get it signed by the listener (optional)

Reading: read 20 minutes

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today we had to have discussions about keeping our hands to ourselves, even if it is not hitting etc.

We also got our 8th class e-ticket from Mrs. Pomplun who was impressed with how our class was on task in Math class.  I think this means freezy pops from Mr. Larson are in our future!


Math: finish subtraction, do HWK1.10 and show your work in your Math notebook.

Reading: read 20 minutes

Writing: try out for fun! BDM5th is the username and password.

Social Studies: Map activity-read directions carefully and use the map for help!

Other: conference time slips due tomorrow...