Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I posted the Elements Song by the band They Might Be Giants to my blog.  Since we are working on that in Science class, it is a fun song to know. The video is cool too!  I also added a website called Little Alchemy that my daughter likes.  It kind of goes with what we are learning because you put two things together to make another-just like you can put elements together to make compounds etc.

Mr. Larson also came in to our class to talk about WKCE scores and why we should try our best when we take the WKCE tests next week.

I will also try to post satellite photos of Hurricane Sandy.  We looked at a few in class today.


Math: cut out flash cards and put them in two ziploc bags.

Reading: Book-It calendar due tomorrow signed by an adult.

Science: Read pgs 348-349 for tomorrow.  Get Social Studies quiz signed and return ASAP

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