Thursday, April 12, 2012


Happy birthday Tyler! thanks for the birthday snack-we've had two birthdays and two snacks two days in a row-yum!!!

Today we had an all-school PBIS assembly. Thanks to Asher for helping me lead the school song! There was also a skit called "One" put on by some of the teachers. Ask your child what it was about. I am going to also embed a you tube video of the same book onto the blog.

We got the 5th grade t-shirts today! I am sending home a slip in case you were financially unable to buy one. We have a few donated shirts, so I will draw a name from the notes returned tomorrow.


Reading: 20 minutes

Spelling: Test tomorrow

Math: Homework and Remembering 7.9

Other: conferences tonight-see Fridge Note for times. Text me or call if you cannot make it. (277-4167)
Popcorn Friday money

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