Monday, October 18, 2010


I got a new class pet over the weekend. Her name is Squeaker, and she is a "Dumbo Rat." They are named that because their a bred to have bigger ears. I will post a photo on my blog soon!

When your student is Teacher's Pet, they will have the chance to take Squeaker home for the weekend. I will also have notes go home over longer holidays for people to take her home as well. I will definitely need someone to take Squeaker home over the summer since I have so many of my own pets at my house, and I am due to have a new baby in May, so that will take up most of my time this summer! If you are interested in taking her home over the summer, just let me know so I can plan ahead.

I always am in need of bedding for her cage, so if you ever want to donate some to the class, just bring it in!

Spelling: Study words

Reading: finish book if you didn't already

Social Studies: Bring in your signed study guide if you forgot to bring it in today.

Field trip tomorrow-we are leaving at 12:15, so be here at 12 if you want to come along. Bring your $4 if you haven't yet.

Baby photo due Oct 27th

UNICEF boxes due Oct. 27th

Bring in carving pumpkins for Friday Pals if you can donate one!!!

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