Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today we had an assembly on "responsibility" which is our character trait to focus on for second quarter. I have been talking to my class a lot about being responsible to do your best work. I have a lot of students in class that are rushing through work and it really shows. Thanks to all of the students who are really trying to do their best. They are great role models for the rest of the class.


Math: Get Unit 2 Test signed and return tomorrow

Lang. Arts: Get essay signed and return tomorrow

Social Studies: Current events article due tomorrow

Other: The fund-raiser for Toys for Tots ends this Thursday-so bring in your change!

I also stapled incentive cards from November to the Math tests. I sometimes have the students initial their own cards. Most of the initials this month were from missing work, talking, and some fighting. If you have any questions, please let me know!

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