Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30th

Today Mrs. Hess had a talk with the class in guidance about using inappropriate language. We have had increased reports of kids swearing or saying "you suck." I was disappointed then at lunch to hear reports of girls calling each other names, and then also hearing some swearing from some 5th graders at lunch. I told my class that if they use a swear word or inappropriate names I will have them call their parents to tell them what they said.

Miss Baumgartener came to our class today. She could only stay for the morning, she had a meeting in the afternoon. She will be with us until the end of the year. She has already prepared a introduction letter that I will put on the back of our Thursday Fridge note.


Math: Finish Math study guide and have a parent check it over and sign the top. We will be going over the answers tomorrow and I will give the test on Wed.

Reading: 3rd Fang due. Read 20 minutes for Fang

Other: Talent show skit slip due tomorrow
1,000 Islands Field Trip-Wed., April 22nd $4 and slip telling about your lunch choice due
Megavolt Spring Break note due Monday the 6th
Career Fair notes due tomorrow
Book Order bue Friday

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