Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb. 9th

Today started off a little rocky when I had 9 people that were not done with the poster assignment I sent home on Friday, and I only got 5 out of 24 signed parent notes back about a theft from last week. I hope that the homework problem is something that will get better tomorrow.

We had an assembly about compassion, our character trait that we are focusing on for the 3rd quarter. Please talk about this idea with your child at home. We are having a canned food drive starting tomorrow where the entire school is trying to collect food for less fortunate families. A person from Festival foods was here, and he will match any cans that we collect!!!!


Soc. Studies: finish the poster that was sent home on Friday-color it and fill in all of the blanks.

Math: study your Math journal pages from Unit 5 for the test tomorrow.

ILA: Practice speech

Other: Book order due Friday
Bring in a box for valentines
Canned goods
signed sheets about the PSP theft

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