Thursday, May 9, 2013


Today we finished taking our writing assessment.  Our class as a whole is having a hard time keeping their hands to themselves. We talked about this in Eagle Training last week.  Please ask your child about how this is going for them at school. Let me know if there are any concerns.


Math: 8.3-it is difficult, persevere!!!!!!

Other: popcorn money, yearbook money, talent show slips

Reading: 20 minutes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that on the 10th was a very difficult day and not a good one for quite a few students. How are some students supposed to learn with all the drama going on. I've been hearing about a girl being very rude dramatic mean being a bully lying about other students and just plain causing problems which in turn is causing problems with other students. Also her friend is starting to cause problems with students as well. When are these two girls going to stop causing so many problems and talking about so many kids and lying and creating drama and flat out creating problems in class at lunch and at recess. Our kids should be learning not having to deal with kind of crap. this is getting to be a real big problem with these two girls especially when other kids are trying to stay away from them and those girls won't leave them alone!!!! Kids are in school to learn not deal with other kids emotional problems that is for their parents to deal with so arent their parents doing anything about it??????