Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today we started a new thing called Class Dojo.  Watch the video I posted to learn more about it. Your child received a code from me to access their own avatar and information. I will also put a link to the site on my links to the right.  (

When I click on a person using my phone, the kids don't know who it is for, but it makes a small ding or "uh oh" sound through the smartboard.  Sometimes during workshop time this noise tends to make some kids refocus.  We will see how it works and I will let you know how it is going.


Other: baby photos and UNICEF due tomorrow, popcorn Friday

Math: HWK 2.7 due tomorrow. Time tests tomorrow-you might want to practice facts with your triangle cards.

Reading: 20 minutes-mark on your November calendar for Book It

Science: return Social Studies Quiz signed.  Read pages 351, 358, 359 in your Matter text.

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