Monday, February 13, 2012


Happy Monday! I added a new link to my blog called Khan Academy. It is a website where you can look up something you might be having difficulty with and it teaches you. I told the kids it might help if they are confused about something in class. We talked about how it is important to put some effort in if you are not understanding something. Check it out!


Reading: Fang reading club starts today. I sent home the information and the paper Fangs last week. Bring in your first signed Fang on Friday or Monday to put on your baseball diamond at school.

Social Studies: Study your mnemonic devices, songs, and play the game online. We will be doing a study guide in class tomorrow in preparation for our quiz later in the week.

Jay Talk letters due back in the ziploc bag by Wednesday-only the paper that says "return"
Valentines Day Party tomorrow 2-3pm. Bring in cards or any treats you want to share with the class.

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