Monday, January 17, 2011


This week is Miss Nussbaum's last week with us :( She will be finishing up her Social Studies Unit and I will be teaching everything else so she can observe other teachers etc.

We will be studying Martin Luther King Jr. this week. We will also be taking the mid-year writing assessment and start to work our way through MJSDs "no excuse" Spelling words. I will not be stapling lists into agendas, the students will have packets that we will be working through. I will have students highlight the words they get correct on the weekly tests.


Math: finish homework 3-12 if you didn't in class

Spelling: we will continue testing on no excuse words tomorrow-so you don't need to study.

Science: be thinking of Science Fair Project ideas/and what question goes with it.

Please get the Maplewood music slips signed and returned ASAP!
T-Shirt designs due Friday

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