Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15th

Today our kindergarten pals came to our classroom to watch a short video about Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It was neat to have them on our turf fir the first time:)


Science: pennies and aluminum foil needed-bring Monday!

$4 for Science presentation due the 22nd

make sure to have all of your winter gear-I will be starting to notify parents if a child does not have it all

bake sale to raise money for earthquake victims in Haiti is on Tuesday-all donated treats must be individually wrapped in ziploc bags.


Anonymous said...

Honey, you need a new picture, or a make over!!!

Mrs. Tegge said...

I am not quite sure what picture you are talking about. It is too bad that you are not brave enough to actually use your real name when posting comments. This is a blog for elementary school 5th graders, not fashion designers.