Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Concert Pictures


Today we talked about a few more holidays around the world and Senora played a video talking about Christmas in Mexico.  It told about Las Posadas, Christmas, and The Three Kings Day.  Then we had to do some business-we took a Math test and a Social Studies Quiz.  All of that was topped off with a school sing along and our party. I will try to post pictures of that soon.

Please don't forget to make sure your students have the correct clothing for winter.  I appreciate it!!!!


I will be correcting Math tests, final narratives, and Social Studies Quizzes over break, so expect those to come home to be signed the week we come back to school.

Other than that-no homework! Enjoy your break! See you on January 2nd!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Happy Birthday to Alex and Ross!  Thanks for the yummy cookie cake from Alexa!

If we have a snow day tomorrow....I will see you on Friday.


Math: keep studying for the test using the workbook, multiple choice test, or worksheets that you have done.

Social Studies: quiz tomorrow-look over your study guide.  You can use your text on the quiz.

Writing: 2 final narratives due Friday. I had all students that are not done with this take them home tonight to work on just in case there is a snow day!

Other: food for the party

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Thanks to all who came to the concert last night! It went really well!  Today we went to the library and Art.  We also had our Junior Achievement volunteer come in at the end of the day.


Math: use the answer key with HWK 3.13 to re-do problems that you did incorrectly.  Go over your multiple choice practice test that we took today. Correct the ones you got incorrect-show your work!!!!  We will be taking the test Thursday or Friday, so all practice is important.

Writing: final drafts of your 2 narratives are due Friday.  If you feel like you can't finish them in class in the next two days, work on them at home.

Other: Party notes sent home today as a reminder for goodies you signed up to bring on Friday!  Our party will be from 2:20-3.

Monday, December 17, 2012


We have our concert tonight! The 5th graders should be here no earlier than 6:40 up in their classroom.  After the concert, come and pick them up in their classroom.


Math: Homework 3.13 due tomorrow.  If you didn't finish HWK/REM 3.12 over the weekend, finish it tonight!

Reading: Read 20 minutes

Writing: finish 2 narratives if you are not done.

Other: concert tonight-6:40 in our room.  Winter clothing, egg cartons,

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today the class did a nice  job in the computer lab staying at a level zero.  They also did a nice job as a whole for our guest teacher yesterday afternoon while I was at a training.


Other: Class Dojo reports ( the one in color) due back signed by Monday. Winter clothing required every day.

Math: Homework 3.12 due Monday

Music: Concert Monday night!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today we had Guidance and Spanish. The day went a lot smoother than yesterday :)


Writing: 2 narratives due Friday with planning sheets. Use the rubric to make corrections.

Math: HWK 3.11 all, Rem 3.11 7-12. Double check 1-6 for errors because I am grading that for the gradebook.

Late work (3.10) is due tomorrow

Other: Winter clothes, yarn, computer surveys, maplewood music note

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today we stopped class to have lectures about not doing things that others tell you to do, especially to hurt a person's feelings, not having outbursts of anger when you don't get your way, and not to push and shove others.  Whew! I hope that tomorrow brings less of these talks.


Other: middle school music notes, no present exchange, egg cartons needed, wear winter clothing, and tomorrow is Packer/sports gear day

Writing: 2 narrative rough drafts due Friday.

Math: HWK 3.10 due tomorrow

Social Studies: read page 188 in your textbook.

Teacher Elves

Simulator Pictures

These are pictures of the simulator that Mr. Tegge uses in his classes. Looks realistic from the inside, not so much from the outside....

Monday, December 10, 2012


Today we had a nice time in Music class, we practiced on stage for the upcoming concert.  The class earned an e-ticket from Mrs. Christensen for good behavior!!! Way to go!


Math: REM 3.10-finish the page

Other: wear winter stuff to school, bring in $3-$5 gift for our party, Maplewood Music note due tomorrow!

Social Studies-we had read pg 179, but I forgot to remind them to take home the test, so we will do that tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today we had Spanish class-the students all worked really well during that class!  We also did a lot better at lunchtime.


Other: maplewood music slips due, book orders due Friday, Deck the Halls is on Thursday night, Craft supplies

Reading: 20 minutes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I was a bit embarrassed at the behavior of the class for my sister during Junior Achievement today.  I had to deal with a situation in the hallway, and people inside the class were yelling and blurting out answers, and when they got into groups most groups were not on task.  Please discuss this with your children. I appreciate all of the students that were using the Eagle Way for our guest.


Other: Book order due Friday-let me know if you are ordering gifts that your children shouldn't see.
Craft supplies for our project

Reading: bring in your November Book It calendar signed by Friday.  I gave out December calendars today.

Math: HWK 3.7 odd numbers only

Social Studies: read pages 186-191 in the textbook for tomorrow.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today we had Music and Gym.  We also made paper wooden shoes in preparation for St. Nick's Day :)


Other: Maplewood Music note due 12-11, craft supplies

Math: HWK 3.6 the ones circled in red pen

Reading: 20 minutes