Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today we used work time in class to finish up our Science living thing poster. If students are not done, they need to take it home tonight and finish it. We did have two half hour blocks in class to work on this.

Remember that book orders are due Friday. You can either order online using the link to the right (the code to get in the first time is GTNGK) or you can send the order form with a check made out to Scholastic and send it to school. I will be doing book orders every month.


Science: make sure your poster is finished. Use your rubric to check off things and make sure you are done! It is due Wed.

Social Studies: Get a current event for tomorrow to share with the class.

Reading: Family interview is due tomorrow. This was given last Thursday, so they had almost a week to work on this at home. Ask ten questions from the list given and then write the questions and answers in cursive on a seperate sheet of paper.

Field trip $4 due Friday
Book Order due Friday

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