Friday, September 10, 2010


Thank you to all of the parents and family members that came to our Hand in Hand Parent Orientation. I was blown away by the attendance!!!! I know your children appreciate you being there. If you think of any questions that you have about 5th grade, please email or call me! I did find the Math Expressions website and put a link to it on my blog.

I posted a video I took during the project on my blog. I also posted a cool video I showed the class called "Awareness Test". Check them out!


Reading: The family interview that was sent home yesterday is due Wed., Sept 15th.Your child needs to pick a person to ask ten of the questions to, and write the questions and answers on a seperate sheet of paper in cursive.

Poem: I am giving kids over the weekend to get their first poem signed. We were in such a rush yesterday I forgot to put it on the agenda. Have them read the Columbus Poem to at least one adult and then they need to sign the poem.

Math: so far we have done homework and remembering 1 and 3 in our packets (I forgot to put 2 in there). It is a total of 4 pages. If your child isn't done with these 4 pages, they should finish it up over the weekend. We did FP 4 in class today, but I am not expecting them to be done with that.

book order due next Friday
$4 field trip $ due next Friday
Fundraiser goes until Sept. 23rd
Remember to return all Thursday folders

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