Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 17th

Today we had a concert given by some Menasha High school orchestra, band, and choir students. I also gave a class initial because a lot of the class didn't stop talking after I told them a few times. I am also going to give initials every time-no warning-when a student talks during work time and I have asked them to work quietly. I am at the end of my rope with the talking, so I am being tough.


Reading: Read pages-I didn't get a chance to initial calendars today.

Math: finish reptile division worksheet in the packet if you didn't finish in class. Make corrections on your division work to get points back on your grade.

Spelling: Study-we will finish the cursive sentences we started in class tomorrow.

Science: Finish your animal cube-model is due Friday

Other: gift due Friday. If you are unable to buy a gift, please write me a note!

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