Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10th

Well, for the day after a snow day it went pretty well. We decided not to have Spelling this week since I would have passed out the lists yesterday, so we don't really have enough time to study. Today we had our kindergarten pals. We helped them do a few projects.


Science: Students need to fill out a mnemonice device-it is in their backpacks with an example. Then they need to choose either the example one, or their own to study.

Reading: I will have a calendar go home each day with the book your child chose. If they finished their reading for the day in class, I will initial the date. If they didn't finish, I will write what they need to do with my initials. Please make sure they don't go too far from their daily page quota, or they will be too far ahead. I will give them the choice to read this during silent reading time, or to do it at home.

Other: Band-The concert is probably going to be rescheduled in Jan. I will let you know the date when they set it.
Gift exchange


Anonymous said...

Your poll wont let me vote!!!

Mrs. Tegge said...

Oh no! I hope it works now!!!

Mrs. Tegge