Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today we went to the lab to look up the UT on Google Maps and Mapquest. Then we printed our Mapquest from our homes to Austin, Texas.  We talked about how many days it might take us to get to Austin, then tour the campus, and come home again.  We also talked about the different ways you can pay for college or technical school.  Tomorrow we have an assembly to wrap up the Focus on Future week.  We will be sharing a top ten of UT facts we want the school to know about.

Remember to wear orange and white tomorrow!


Math: do the practice test as a study guide, and get it signed by a parent for tomorrow.

Reading: poem signed if you haven't already, read 20 minutes.

Other: wear orange and white.  T-shirt orders due tomorrow, Family Fun Bingo night RSVPs due tomorrow. Popcorn Friday.

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