Friday, February 10, 2012


Happy birthday Jackie! Thanks for the yummy birthday snack! Today we had library in the afternoon. We also finished completing our author's study chart and we will use it next week to compare and contrast Andrew Clement's books.

I only got one career fair slip back from the class. I think we got 6 total from the other two classes. We will still be able to have it on March 13th, but it would be nice to get some more participants. If anybody else would like to come in for career day-fill out the extra slip I handed out today and return it by Monday.


Social Studies: study colonies with mnemonic device, song, and game on my blog. We will do a study guide next week.

Writing: get speech sheet signed by an adult and return to your blue folder by Monday.

book order due 2/17
Valentine's Day Party Tuesday-bring paper grocery bag Monday

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