Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jump Rope For Heart


Happy Leap Year! We watched a short video on brainpop about why we do a leap year. We also had Jump Rope For Heart today! Thanks for all parents who helped out in the gym! I will post photos that I took. Any money that is being rasied for Jump Rope for Heart is due back to school next Wednesday.


Reading: read 20 minutes

Language Arts: get books and information about your speech.

Math: Finish homework and remembering 6.3 if you didn't finish in class.

fundraiser forms and money due tomorrow
Conference times sheets due back to me as soon as you can
T-Shirt money dur next Friday

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It was nice to get back after our 4 day weekend! Today we had computer lab with Mr. White. The kids went on the online encylopedia Britannica to look up more information about their speeches. Next week we will be compiling all of our notes into a text map.


Reading: 20 minutes a night for Book It-second Fang should be signed and on your locker if you are doing that program.

Spelling: No list this week, or sentences. We are re-testing from the fall to see what groups students will be in for the second half of the year.

Jump Rope for Heart is tomorrow-wear red/comfy clothes, and shoes.

Conference time slips need to be back to school as soon as possible. We are going to be planning conference times next Monday and I would like to choose times that work for you and your family.

Fundraiser order forms and money is due this Thursday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hello! Remember that tomorrow is a Friday schedule, and we do not have school on Friday or next Monday.


Reading: Read 20 minutes for book it and Fang Reading Club

Spelling: finish and have an adult help you correct your 10 spelling sentences.

Spanish: Finish your crossword and word search for Thursday.

Language Arts: Go to the Menasha Library to find books on your speech topic landmark. I will be going to the Appleton library to get some too.

change for the green star rainforest fundraiser
Hansen's Fundraiser due March 1st
Jay Talk Slip signed
$5 for recorders due Thursday

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Fundraiser items were handed out today-please read the information and keep track of the due dates etc. Help out our PTO-they use fundraiser money to support many trips and supplies for our school!


reading: the first Fang can be brought into school Friday

Math: test tomorrow

Spelling: test tomorrow-5 sentences due also

book orders due tomorrow
popcorn money
Jay Talk slip due signed
fundraiser information
$5 for recorders due next Thursday


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today we went to the computer lab to start looking up information on our speech topics. Feel free to go to the Menasha Library to check out books on your topic. I will check out books from the Appleton Library too.


Social Studies: quiz tomorrow-study your study guide etc

Math: Test Friday

Other: $5 for recorders due next Thursday
bring in change for the rainforest competition
book orders due Friday
Jay Talk slip due signed tomorrow

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Party

Valentines Party


Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks to everyone who brought in treats and valentines to share with the class! Our party was fun. I took some pictures and will put them on my blog soon. Today in Eagle Training we talked more about how to deal with bullies. Students made posters that say "Give the look, tell them to stop, tell an adult" We learned these steps when Mike McGowen visted our school. I added the link to a website with videos that we watched to my blog links.


Reading: read 20 minutes for Book It and Fang's reading club.

Spelling: we have a fun list this week for Valentine's Day. Look over your child's 5 sentences and help them correct them. Sign it at the bottom for tomorrow.

Social Studies: study your study guide. The quiz is on Thursday.

Book order due Friday
Jay talk slips due Wednesday

Monday, February 13, 2012


Happy Monday! I added a new link to my blog called Khan Academy. It is a website where you can look up something you might be having difficulty with and it teaches you. I told the kids it might help if they are confused about something in class. We talked about how it is important to put some effort in if you are not understanding something. Check it out!


Reading: Fang reading club starts today. I sent home the information and the paper Fangs last week. Bring in your first signed Fang on Friday or Monday to put on your baseball diamond at school.

Social Studies: Study your mnemonic devices, songs, and play the game online. We will be doing a study guide in class tomorrow in preparation for our quiz later in the week.

Jay Talk letters due back in the ziploc bag by Wednesday-only the paper that says "return"
Valentines Day Party tomorrow 2-3pm. Bring in cards or any treats you want to share with the class.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Happy birthday Jackie! Thanks for the yummy birthday snack! Today we had library in the afternoon. We also finished completing our author's study chart and we will use it next week to compare and contrast Andrew Clement's books.

I only got one career fair slip back from the class. I think we got 6 total from the other two classes. We will still be able to have it on March 13th, but it would be nice to get some more participants. If anybody else would like to come in for career day-fill out the extra slip I handed out today and return it by Monday.


Social Studies: study colonies with mnemonic device, song, and game on my blog. We will do a study guide next week.

Writing: get speech sheet signed by an adult and return to your blue folder by Monday.

book order due 2/17
Valentine's Day Party Tuesday-bring paper grocery bag Monday

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today we got to go to the computer lab to find some information about our top three choices of speech topics. The topic is "the most Interesting US Landmark." You will be getting a sheet with their top choices to sign on Friday.


Spelling: finish rewriting incorrect sentences and study for test tomorrow

Math: Homework and remembering 5.17

Social Studies: Go on my blog and do the 13 colonies game and song

Paper bags for valentines mailboxes by Monday
Valentine party Tuesday 2-3pm
Career Fair notes due Tomorrow
Popcorn money

Start it Up 13 Colonies Song

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


a reminder that cell phones and electronics are not allowed at school. If your child is caught with one it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day-second offense it will be confiscated and parents will be called. If you really feel like your child needs to have a phone for emergency purposes, they need to keep it in their backpack when at school.


Math HWK remembering 5.17

Social Studies: study 13 colonies-game on my blog


Snowpants and boots are no longer required until it snows again
career fair slips due Friday
Book order due 2-17

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today we went to the computer lab twice! We were there with Mr. White one time to work on something for Guidance class. Then we went in later to type our opinion essays.


Spelling: Finish sentences and get then checked and signed by a parent.Due tomorrow

Math: Homework and remembering 5.17 due tomorrow

career fair sheets due Friday
Book orders due Friday

Friday, February 3, 2012


Today we took a few quizzes in Math to see where we all are at with fractions. We also had Guidance and library.Please read the career day slip that I sent home today. Let me know if you have any questions


return all report card papers and the green and white papers sent home yesterday
Career fair slips due next Friday
Book order due Feb. 17th

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Happy Groundhog's Day! Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania saw his shadow, but Jimmy the Groundhog from Sun Prairie Wisconsin did not! I put a link on the right hand side of my blog that shows the video we watched in class. I also added a Social Studies game to practice the 13 colonies.

Spelling: Test tomorrow-have rewritten sentences ready to hand in
Hand in report card notes, including the green one that was sent home today.
Wear red tomorrow
popcorn money
t-shirt designs due tomorrow
Practice Spanish speech

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Happy February! We noticed that February has 29 days in it this year! Leap year!!!! Today we were busy with Art, Gym and Music. We also cleaned out desks and changed our seating arrangement.


Lang Arts: Make sure rough draft of Position/ Argument paper is finished. It should be 5 paragraphs long.

Spelling: rewrite any sentences that had mistakes in them.

Math: Bring in packet if you forgot it at home!

Practice Spanish Speech
Bring in report card papers signed
Friday is wear red day
Bring in smock for art to keep in locker
valentine's day note for party
t-shirt designs due Friday