Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Today we took one part of the Math and one part of the Reading WKCE tests. We will be taking more parts on Thursday and Friday, and then we will be done!

We also learned a little bit about the country India. We will be having penpals from that country this year. We are working on our rough drafts of our introduction letters to our penpals in class right now.

On a sad note, Squeaker the rat died sometime today :( Rats don't usually live much longer than 2 years and he was close to that. We talked about what an Epitaph on a gravestone is and wrote our own for Squeaker. She will be missed!


Reading: 20 minutes-we will be getting a November Book-It calendar tomorrow.

Hand in any October Book-It calendars signed by a parent by Friday to get your pizza ticket.

Spelling-none this week because of WKCE

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