Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Happy first day of February! Today the kids had fun outside in the new snow. Just a reminder though-no snow fights at school! Today we continued watching part of a History Channel mini-series that was on last year: America, the Story of Us. It has really neat information and graphics about the Revolutionary War, so we are watching that.


Science: Parents need to sign the pages that are done in the Sci. Fair-your children also need to to help them proofread and correct words. The pages that need to be signed are: Meet the Scientist, Question and Hypothesis, Materials, and Procedure. The first three were to be signed last week, only 4 out of my 31 students had them signed or initialed. Materials for their project need to be at school by next Tuesday. They can practice their project at home in the meantime if they want. Taking photos to use on their posters is a good idea.

Social Studies: Current event for tomorrow

Lang. Arts: we have started to study persuasion. I need examples of paper advertisements to use in class. Ads from newspapers, magazines, etc are needed. Please bring them in anytime starting tomorrow.

Spanish: practice speech

I am in need of large paper grocery bags for Valentine's Day. Send them in anytime.

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