Friday, October 1, 2010


I am sorry for the lapse in posts. I totally forgot that I had an in-district meeting yesterday, so I was all out of sorts. Thankfully our substitute was Mrs. Bayer who taught 5th grade with me last year, so she knew what to do :) Today I am in school doing reading testing, so Mrs. Bayer is with the kids again. Thanks Mrs. Bayer! She told me the kids really did a nice job for her yesterday, and I really appreciate it!


Writing: if you didn't finish your Hatchet alternate ending rough draft, that is due Monday.

Reading: Your child wrote a cinquain poem about the book Hatchet. Have them read it to you and you can sign it for Monday

Oct book order due Oct. 13th. Ordering online gives the classroom more money for books. Take the link to your left and enter this code to start: GTNGK. then you can make your own username and password. If you send an order to school, please do a check rather than cash-the check can be made out to Scholastic Books.

yearbook baby photos due at the end of October.

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