Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4th

Today we had an assembly about our third quarter character trait. We are going to focus on compassion as a school. Compassion means you put yourself in other people's shoes to know what they are feeling. It also means being a good listener so you know how to treat someone. We do have issues in our class with not treating others nicely because they are different, "not cool", or not in a circle of friends. I would like the entire class to work on compassion!


ILA: read poem to an adult and get it signed.

Reading: chapter book groups need to finish their books tonight, and make sure they have three entries in their response logs.

Science: study your science project explanation for the quiz on Monday. Try to say it out loud without looking, and then rewrite it without looking.

Other: Popcorn money
Full band
Wear red tomorrow to help support the fight against heart disease, the number one health threat for women.
Book order due tomorrow!!!

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