Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26th

Please make sure you have your Science Fair things at school an d ready to go on Monday!


Science: fair on MOnday

Reading: 15 min for Fang

Math: Pg 186 in book and only Homework page for 5.3

book order due March 12th
Puberty talk note due
Conference note due

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25th

Today we went to the computer lab to type up our persuasive essays on adoptable pets. Most of us got our work done without any problems.

Math Night is tonight from 6-7pm in the library (for 4th and 5th grades). Feel free to come even if you didn't RSVP.


REading: read 15 minutes for Fang's Reading Club, read poem and get signed

Math: finish Homework and Remembering 5.2 if you didn't finish it yesterday

Science: Science Fair slip due tomorrow

Other: Growth and Development note due to me ASAP!
Conference Slip signed and returned ASAP!
Book order due March 12th-online or send check to school
Full Band tomorrow
Popcorn tomorrow
1st Fang signed and due tomorrow

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24th

Today we went into the computer lab to work on our Learner's Resumes with Mr. Staehler. We also had a talk about bullying on the football fields. No physical roughness, bad language, or bullying allowed on the field.


Reading: 15 minutes for Fang. First Fang due Friday

Writing: finish rough draft of pet essay.

Spelling: Study for test tomorrow

Science: permission slips for Monday Night Science Fair due Friday

Math: Homework and remembering 5.2
Maplewood Math test note due

Math Fun night Thursday
Conference slips signed and returned by Friday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23rd

Today we wrote a rough draft essay aabout why a person should adopt a pet. We will be typing these up and turning them into the local organization OARS so they can use them as persuasion tools in adopting real animals.


Spelling: study words-I will get their sentences for corrections to them tomorrow.

Reading: Read for 15 minutes for Fang Reading Club

Science: sign permission slip for Monday night's Science Fair by Friday

Other: No current events due tomorrow-I will do some with the entire class
get math test signed, sign maplewood math note, RSVP for the Math night this Thursday.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey class, I have not been using our class' twitter site at all this year. If you want to get on twitter, you can use my class site-Username mrstegge, password mrstegge. If you tweet on it, just type your name first so we know who you are. If you want to get your own Twitter account and follow our class, ask your parents for permission and help.

February 19th

Today we played a game of "Top It" with our pals. We also had fun at Jump Rope For Heart in gym this morning!


Bring in signed Math test
Bring in signed Math Maplewood note (sent home on Thursday)
RSVP for Math Night(blue sheet) so we know how much supplies to have

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18th

Today we learned a bit more about Abraham Lincoln. We also are going to be working on a persuasive essay about adoptable animals in our area through Orphan Animal Rescue and Sanctuary. I added a link to this website on the links on my blog.


Reading: read poem and get it signed.

Math: finish Remembering 5.1

Lang. Arts: make sure you wrote your position, and three arguments about your adoptable animal.

Other: Get Maplewood Math test note signed.
Sign and return Math Night RSVP
Go over Fang's Reading Club informaation
Jump Rope for Heart tomorrow morning! Wear comfy clothes and wear red!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th

Today we learned more about George Washington in honor of President's Day yesterday. Ask your child something they learned about him.


Spelling: Correct sentences for tomorrow, study

Social Studies: Current events due tomorrow

Spanish: masks done by tomorrow-many students finished them in class.

Other: Jumpe Rope for Heart on Friday-wear red!

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15th

Today we started to learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in honor of President's Day.


Spelling: Study list

Science: Make sure packet is done and have your materials ready.

Other: Jump Rope For Heart Friday-Wear red!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our Valentine Mailboxes!

February 11th

Today we made Vejigante masks for Spanish class. Have your child explain to you what that is!

Our Valentine party is tomorrow-don't forget your valentines or treats! Also, wear read, pink, or white!


Reading: finish book, make sure you have two responses in your journal

ILA: Read poem and get it signed

Math: Make sure your unit 4 packet is done-I will collect it tomorrow

Valentines party tomorrow

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10th

Today we started making our Valentine Mailboxes. Please send any empty tissue boxes, we can always use more. We are also out of lollipops to sell. If you have time to buy a bag of blowpops or tootsie pops to bring in tomorrow it is much appreciated! Thanks to all of you who have already donated!


Reading: read 20 minutes, be sure to finish your chapter book by Thursday night. Do another response in your journal-you should now have two entries for this book.

Math: make sure your entire unit 4 packet is done by Friday-that is when I am collecting them. Do any that you forgot to do when they were assigned.

Spelling: study for tomorrow's test

Other: egg cartons, tissue boxes, donate lollipops

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9th

Zurka, our class pet, died unexpectedly today in class. We took time to talk about our favorite memories about her, and we each got to write her a eulogy. I will get another hairless rat, but I am going to wait a few weeks.


Math: finish 4.6
Reading: read 20 minutes, make sure your response is done
Writing: finish your final copy of your essay
Social Studies: current event
Science: have your project supplies here for tomorrow.
Other: donate more lollipops, bring money to buy lollipops, bring empty egg cartons, bring empty tissue boxes.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8th

Today we got to use a new gadget in reading class. It is a camrea thing that you can put on a book and then it puts it up on the computer screen. I will have to play around with it more, but it seems useful and cool. I am just borrowing it, so hopefully I will be able to get one someday!


Reading: read in your Reading book for 20 minutes

ILA: Write your position/argument essay rough draft. Intro, three paragraphs about your arguments, and a closing.

Math: Finish 4.5 if you didn't in class.

Other: Bring 25 cents for the lollipop sale
bring in empty egg cartons for Spanish class
bring in empty tissue boxes for Valentine's Day mailboxes

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5th

Today was the 101th day of school, so we watched a fun dalmation movie with our kindergarten pals.


Science: study the explanation of your Science project for the quiz on Monday ( the second page of your Science packet.)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Make your own drawings at SketchfuMore from this artist at SketchfuShare this drawing from Sketchfu
Learn how to draw cartoons, comics, and anime at Sketchfu!

February 4th

Today we had an assembly about our third quarter character trait. We are going to focus on compassion as a school. Compassion means you put yourself in other people's shoes to know what they are feeling. It also means being a good listener so you know how to treat someone. We do have issues in our class with not treating others nicely because they are different, "not cool", or not in a circle of friends. I would like the entire class to work on compassion!


ILA: read poem to an adult and get it signed.

Reading: chapter book groups need to finish their books tonight, and make sure they have three entries in their response logs.

Science: study your science project explanation for the quiz on Monday. Try to say it out loud without looking, and then rewrite it without looking.

Other: Popcorn money
Full band
Wear red tomorrow to help support the fight against heart disease, the number one health threat for women.
Book order due tomorrow!!!

Make your own drawings at SketchfuMore from this artist at SketchfuShare this drawing from Sketchfu
Learn how to draw cartoons, comics, and anime at Sketchfu!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3rd

Today the kids started a "sculpture garden" in Art class. :)


Math: homework and remembering 4.3

Spelling: study-test tomorrow

Science: study your project explanation for the quiz on Monday

Reading: chapter book groups make sure you have three entries in your Reader's Response Log.

Other: Book order due Friday

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2nd

Happy Groundhog Day! Punxatawny Phil in PA saw his shadow, so he thinks we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Phil has a record of 39% accuracy. Jimmy the Groundhog from Sun Prarie, WI predicts an early spring-he has an 80% accuracy rate :) I think I am going with Jimmy's prediction with crossed fingers! :)


Spelling: Make corrections on your sentences.

social Studies: Get a current event for tomorrow.

Science: have materials ready on Wed. for your Science Project.

Language Arts: if you want extra credit, you can finish your groundhog story. If you don't want extra credit, just make sure you have one paragraph written.

Other: Book order due Friday

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st

Happy February! Today we played a few Math Angle games on the Smartboard at the end of Math class. I posted the link on my blog for you to try out!


Math: finish homework and remembering 4.2 if you didn't get a chance to finish in class

Science: Have your Science project materials here ready to go on Wednesday. Finish your explanation of your project for tomorrow-just give it a try, I will help fix it up.

Other: Book order due this Friday. Follow the link to the online store and use teggek, teggek to get into our online order. You may still order through me, just write checks to "Scholastic."

Bring in empty kleenex boxes for Valentine's Day mailboxes. We will decorate them in class.