Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18th

Today we had a special computer time with Mr. Staehler. He is showing us how to compare and contrast things on a computer program called inspiration. Students are choosing two countries to compare and contrast. We also read books to our kindergarten pals.


ILA: get descriptive writing notes signed-it was homework last night and a lot of students did not have it done.

Reading: 20 min for Fang

Spelling: study

Spanish: Your child needs to practice their Spanish family speech each night a few times. They will be giving it on Tuesday of next week. a lot of students make excuses in Spanish class-"I don't understand...etc." Most of the time from what I see it is lack of attention in Spanish class, and not doing work to prepare.

Other: canned goods
T-Shirt design due Friday
Bake sale
return conference slips ASAP

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