Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25th

Happy Birthday to Alex Hoppe! He brought in a yummy choclate cake to share with the class. Today we had a handwashing talk (ask you kids about it!), our November incentive (open gym), and community lunchbox.

Tomorrow is our reward day for winning the UNICEF competition. Please bring in supplies for our ice cream treat if you signed up. I have received many items already. I also had reward money to buy the class 5 pizzas to share at lunchtime in my room. Please send a drink for them and any other lunch food if they think they will need any extra.

Also-we have a dress up PJ Day and they can bring a stuffed animal, sleeping bag, pillow, whatever. I will be bringing in my wii and Playstation for kids to play during a block of time in the afternoon. I told the class they could bring handheld games if they want-if their parents say yes. They can only take them out in my room. If they take them out on the bus or in line up, they might be confiscated.

Busy day tomorrow!


NONE-enjoy the Appleton parade tonight if you can-it is at 6:00- downtown Appleton.

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