Monday, September 22, 2008

September 22nd

Today we were busy with Guidance and Library.

Here is the homework:

Reading: Read Chapters 16 and 17 in Hatchet-no questions. I told students to bring home their packets to show you their grade so far. Then you can look and see if they need to do over any questions that they didn't get full credit on. If they didn't put part of the question in the answer, they only get half credit. If they want to do it over, I will give them points back.

I also sent home a half sheet of paper explaining that we will watch the movie that goes with this book on Wed. afternoon.

Spanish: If your child has not written down the date in their Spanish notebook (they do this every day at the start of class) they need to catch up. Senora also told the kids to look up on the internet what "Autumn" is in Spanish. Just write it in their agenda. She told the kids who didn't have internet access to stop at her office right at the end of school to look it up in a dictionary.

Other: Patrol meeting tomorrow at lunch recess. I will be handing out patrol schedules for October on Friday. If your child signed up for patrols and isn't on the list for Oct., they will get a turn another month.

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