Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30th

Today we went for a walk outside to write things down that could be included on a nature/fall scavenger hunt that we will do with our kindergarten pals next week. I have started to give initials for when students grab/touch each other. It is a major problem in line and in the class....


Reading: We started our groups today. If they didn't finish writing characters, a summary, and a connection from text to self they should have brought that home.

Math: Study Math Journal 1 and studylink packet in preparation for the test tomorrow. On the studylink packet cover are the goals and where they should be. I had them get out these two things in class at the end of the day.

Spelling: I gave homework because a lot of students were not using work time in class. Students have to write their sort and 10 sentences in their Spelling notebook. Study words.

Fundraiser money due Thursday
Brewer day tomorrow (wear Brewer stuff, or blue yellow and white)
Popcorn Friday starts this week! 25 cents a bag

Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29th

Today I got to give two lectures to th e class right off the bat. The first lecture was about the idea of putting your name on things that are handed in. I had about 12 Hatchet posters without names on them, which made it hard for me to correct them this weekend.

The second lecture was about being lazy with work. I corrected all of the Hatchet packets and was disappointed in some of the grades. I did have students who followed my directions of putting part of the question in their answer right away and never needed reminding. I then had students who made mistakes, but then took my advice about going back and fixing their mistakes to get points back. The largest group was the students who made mistakes, but never took my advice, and didn't fix them. Their grades were not the best. I kept these packets so I casn show parents at conferences. If you would like to know how your child did, please call or email! I told them that the LAZINESS must not continue!

Today we met our kindergarten pals for the first time. My students found out that sometimes kindergarteners can be unpredictable, hard to understand, prone to laughing, and very cute. I think that the 5th graders will learn a lot while working with these children!



Please send a three subject notebook with your child if you haven't purchased one yet. I still have 13 students without one.

Wednesday is "Brewer Day" so students can wear Brewer apparel or the colors blue, white, and yellow.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spanish Class

Here is the class engrossed in the Spanish lesson for the day!
Here are Hunter and Alex S. introducing themselves to each other in Spanish.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26th-New Bathroom Pass Policy

I need to post about my new bathroom pass policy. Usually, it works pretty well for me to have a dry erase board by my door and one child can go to the bathroom etc at a time. It has never been a problem for me. This year, however, it seems like so many children are leaving my class at all times, even when I am teaching and explaning things that I had to do something!

I know in the middle school in their agendas is a page that they get signed to use the bathroom etc. When that page is full, they can't take breaks anymore. I have decided to staple in a similar chart in my agendas. I will test it out and see if it works better. Before your child goes to the hallway, I need to sign their sheet. If they run out of spaces in a month, then I will give initials if they have to go in the hallway.

Please remind your child that bathroom breaks shoould be taken at recess and lunch times. If they feel ill, I will not hold that against them. If they have some sort of medical condition, please let me know!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25th

Today the class had Phy Ed./Music and many students had band lessons. Remember to have y oru child practice their instrument at home. I sent home the Thursday Fridge Note and the Thursday folder tonight. Please go through all of the papers and return the folder to school.


Math: We did SL 1.8 in class today together. Some students missed this due to band. If so, they are to do SL 1.8 as homework. I will be collecting Math packets tomorrow, so if they are missing any Studylinks from 1.2-1.8 they need to make sure they are finished.

Reading: We had a small amount of time to work on Hatchet Posters today, but if your child is not finished, that is due tomorrow. If your child didn't finish their Hatchet alternate ending I kept them in from afternoon recess and gave an initial on their initial card. We got to read alternate endings in class today-they were very original!

That is all for now! Friday is almost here :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24th

Today we had a great time watching the move A Cry in the Wild-that is based on the book Hatchet. Thanks for all of the snacks that were brought to share with the class!


Reading: students need to write an alternate ending for the book Hatchet. The directions are in their Hatchet packet and I made sure they all had them in their agendas. Please help them proofread and rewrite their final for tomorrow. The poster project is due Friday. They will have more time in class to work on it tomorrow.

Spelling: Study for the test tomorrow

Math: Studylink 1.7 I had a lot of kids forget their packets at home or school yesterday. I double checked that all students had them-please look at this homework and help them if they need it!

Other: Band students for Thursday lessons bring instruments.

If your child forgets their homework, do not hesistate to call me!!!! I can always give you smoething for them to do....997-0640

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd

Today the class had Phy Ed. and Music and finished working on their district writing assessments. We also finished reading Hatchet!!! Tomorrow we are watching the movie that goes along with the book after lunch. Ask your child how the story ended!


Reading: If your child didn't finish any work in their Hatchet packet, or wants to fix answers so they are complete, they are due on Friday.

Math: Studylink 1.6. We did the top of the sheet together and had a little time to work on the bottom.

Other: Movie is tomorrow-your child can bring a snack/drink for thsemselves or to share with the class.

Band lessons tomorrow for Wed. kids.

Monday, September 22, 2008

September 22nd

Today we were busy with Guidance and Library.

Here is the homework:

Reading: Read Chapters 16 and 17 in Hatchet-no questions. I told students to bring home their packets to show you their grade so far. Then you can look and see if they need to do over any questions that they didn't get full credit on. If they didn't put part of the question in the answer, they only get half credit. If they want to do it over, I will give them points back.

I also sent home a half sheet of paper explaining that we will watch the movie that goes with this book on Wed. afternoon.

Spanish: If your child has not written down the date in their Spanish notebook (they do this every day at the start of class) they need to catch up. Senora also told the kids to look up on the internet what "Autumn" is in Spanish. Just write it in their agenda. She told the kids who didn't have internet access to stop at her office right at the end of school to look it up in a dictionary.

Other: Patrol meeting tomorrow at lunch recess. I will be handing out patrol schedules for October on Friday. If your child signed up for patrols and isn't on the list for Oct., they will get a turn another month.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I got to spend a little bit of time at the football game on Saturday. The Badgers team has many students from BDM 5th grade on it. From what I saw-you guys were doing great!

Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th

Our Friday went well. I did send home a note with about 9 students that did not finish Hatchet homework. If your child has one of those notes, please sign it and return it Monday.


*Monday is library

*Study for Science Quiz on Monday-they should have a study guide with them

We got to meet Isaiah today-he did great, and we are glad that he is in our class!!!

Mrs. Tegge

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18th

Today the class went on a 30 minute walk with Mr. Breaker while I was at a meeting. The entire school got to do this physical activity today!

Homework tonight:

*Reading: Read chapters 14 and 15 and do questions. I will collect packets tomorrow, so make sure any blank questions up until chapter 15 are done in the Hatchet Packet.

*Look through the Thursday Folder, sign and return. There are a lot of papers, including fundraiser information.

*Some students had to take home Spanish tonight-they need to have at least 9 dates written in their Spanish notebook. If they had less than 9 they needed to bring their notebook and calendar home with them to finish 9. The Spanish teacher checked their agenda to see if they wrote it in-if they are done with it, they didn't have to write it in their agenda.

There is a mistake on my Thursday Fridge Note. I had the students cross it out. I was unable to do a Science study guide for a quiz today, so I will do it tomorrow and they can study over the weekend.

Today was Zach Eriksen's last day at BDM. He is moving to Highlands Elem in Appleton. Good luck Zach!!!!

On Monday we will be getting a new student. His name is Isaiah Dexter. He is coming to us from Appleton.

Tomorrow is Friday!!! Yea!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17th

Today's homework:

*Read chapters 10 and 11 in Hatchet, and do the questions in the packet. If your child didn't do the questions for chapters 6 and 7, they need to be done as well. I will collect the packet on Friday to grade.

* Band students that have Thursday lessons need to bring their instruments tomorrow

* GET AGENDA SIGNED!!!! I will be giving out initials tomorrow to students who do not get their parents to sign their agenda!

*Study Spelling-test tomorrow.

*Wear tennis shoes because they will be walking with Mr. Breaker for a bit tomorrow.

*Spanish-sing the song on the sheet and sign the song sheet or the agenda to tell that they did this!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16th

Today I had a substitute in class so I could test every student's reading level. Each time I went into the room, the class seemed to be on task-so great job!!! We also had picture day, and Mitchell brought in a yummy snack for his birthday!

Homework for tonight:

*Read chapters 6 and 7 in Hatchet, and do questions in the Hatchet Packet. The students did have some time to do work on this in class. Make sure that all answers have part of the question in them!!! I went and graded chapter 2 and 4 questions. If your child got 1 out of 2 points, it means they didn't put part of the question in their answer. They can always fix these mistakes and get points back.

Mrs. Tegge

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15th

Hello all! I hope that you all had a nice weekend. Our Monday went pretty well-although there is still a lot of talking going on in class!

Here is the homework tonight:

*Picture Day is tomorrow at 10am. If your child wants to dress up and bring extra clothes to change into, that is fine. Money is due for that as well. I told students to get extra forms in the office. If you do not have one, you will have to stop in the office before 10 am to get one.

*Tomorrow I am doing reading testing for the class, so I will have a substitute. The homework is to think about how to act for a substitute.

*Spanish-If your child did not finish the Spanish weather flash cards in class, they need to finish it tonight!

I was pleased that 20 out of the 25 students had their Science Poster done for today-the original due date! Thanks for continuing to check your child's agenda!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12th

Thanks to all of the parents who came to our Hand in Hand orientation this morning! If you didn't make it I sent home papers with your child you can read over.

This weekend:

*Finish Science Poster about the 5 basic life functions. I had a handful of students finish it at school.

*Picture day is Tuesday-send money to school by Tuesday. If you lost your slip for ordering, write a note in your child's agenda and I will get you a new one on Monday.

*Patrol note is due Monday. This was sent home on Thursday.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, Sept. 11th

Happy Thursday!

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 8:15. Please come a few minutes early and sign in at the library.

Here is homework for tonight:

*Hatchet: If your child did not finish the first page of questions, or fill out definitions for at least ten vocabulary words, they need to finish this. We took notes on 26 vocabulary words during class time, but some students chose not to take notes. I will be collecting their Hatchet packets tomorrow.

*Strings pick up is tonight at Clovis Grove Elem. from 2:45-6

* The book order is due tomorrow. I will send it through the internet, and it will come within a week.

*I sent home papers in the students' Thursday Folder tonight. Please go through the papers and send back any that need to be signed. Then sign and date the folder and send that back to school by Monday.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Tegge

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sept. 10th

Here is today's homework:

* Read chapters 4 and 5 in Hatchet. There will be a quiz tomorrow.

*Spelling test is tomorrow. Finish 5 sentences in cursive if they weren't finished in class.
(you can always leave the Spelling list stapled into their agenda since they bring their agenda home each night)

* Math studylink 1.3

* Science-finish writing on poster if it wasn't finished in class. Get photos, pictures from the computer, or from magazines of the living thing that you chose for your poster. Some students may be drawing pictures instead.

* String instrument pick-up is Thursday from 2;45-6b at Clovis Grove Elem.

*Hand in Hand Parent Orientation is Friday at 8:15. Meet in the library.

*Book Order is due Friday.

Today at recess we had some problems on the football field with students taunting or teasing kids if they didn't make a good play or a good call. Please talk with your child about sportsmanship. I do not want this to grow into a bigger issue.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our first class photo!

September 9th

Today was a nice cool day-very comfortable in our room :)

Here is the homework for tonight:

*study Spelling. I just gave a list of "no excuse" words this week. I will start groups next week after I correct their testing from last week. Please have your child study their words on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tests will be on Thursdays. I always staple their list into their agendas on Tuesdays.

* Read chapter 2 in Hatchet and do the question in their Hatchet Packet. Please make sure they answer in a complete sentence. Your child might have read part of chapter 2 in class. They had about 5 minutes to start it.

* Book orders are due Friday.

*Look at the invitation your child made for you for Friday's Parent Orientation. I hope you can make it to that event!

Have a great night!

Monday, September 8, 2008

September 8th

Hello! Our Monday sure went fast! We had guidance and library for the first time. We will be having both every other week this year. We also had our "Teacher's Pet" time-like a superstar of the week. I am the teacher's pet this week, so I brought things to show. We picked a name today for next week, and it will be Matthew S. If your child is chosen to be the "Teacher's Pet" I will always send home a note a week in advance so you can be prepared.

Here is the homework tonight:

* studylink 1.2 in their Math packet. Please read the directions carefully! This is due tomorrow.
* picture day money is due by Sept. 16th, but you can send it early and I will keep it safe.
* book orders are due this Friday. Please write a check if you can to "Scholastic."
* Parent Orientation is this Friday. 5th grade goes first -so parents go to the library at 8:15. Childcare is provided, so you might have to come a few minutes earlier if you need to drop off children. If you cannot come, you can feel free to send another family member or friend to get the information.

That's all for now!

Mrs. Tegge

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sept. 5th

Thank you so much for going through the Thursday folders and signing them, and signing those agendas. Most of the class has gotten that done each day. This weekend some students have to finish taking notes from pg 2 of their Science book. Most of the class finished it during class time. Students also have to start thinking of a living thing they are going to do a poster on in Science next week. I sent home a book order that is due Friday, Sept. 12th. If you order books for your child, if you could write a check to Scholastic instead of sending cash, that would be h elpful to me. Also, Monday is a Packer day-so if your child has any Packer gear, or green and gold-have them wear it!

Have a great weekend-and feel free to leave comments on this blog!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sept. 4th continued...

Here is our homework for tonight:

Decorate the front of your writing notebook with stickers, pictures, clippings, etc...

Do Mathboxes 1.1 in your Math Journal.

Have your parents go through your Thursday folder and sign and return any notes (picture day money, PG movie permission, etc.)

Hang your Thursday Fridge Note up someplace in your house.

Get your Agenda signed!

See you all tomorrow!

September 4th

Well, our first week of school is going along smoothly! I am very happy that it is not as hot as the first day was! I will be using this blog to post homework and other events going on in class. I will have something for you to sign if you are also willing to allow me to post photos of your child on the site. I will update this blog each day after school!

Thank you for checking and signing your child's agenda each night. It should never be blank-I do this with the class and they have to write everything down!!!!