Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today we finally chose our groups for our Revolutionary War project.


Math: Homework 6.8 second half of the sheet. Get initialed

Reading: Read 20 minutes, finish theme page of packet

Other: late start tomorrow, talent show tryout permission slips due Friday.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Today we had a fire drill. We also had a talk about the upcoming state tornado drill this Thursday.  We also had an assembly where we discussed appropriate physical contact.


Math: HWK 6.8 1-3

Reading: finish summary in packet. Read 20 minutes.

Other:  Talent Show try-out permission slips due Friday. Late start Wednesday.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Today we watched a video on the causes of the Revolutionary War.  We also worked on an "All About Me" project.

Please look through papers tonight. There is an invite for the 5th grade graduation in June.


Reading: read 20 minutes, finish drawing page in packet, or any late pages.

Math:  HWK 6.7 you can do half now and half tomorrow, or all of it tonight so you don't have homework over break.

Other: popcorn Friday, t-shirt orders due, book orders due, talent show tryout slips, career day slips, bring a garbage bag to school tomorrow for locker cleaning.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Today we worked on using descriptive passages from our books to make a picture in our mind.


Reading: Read 20 minutes, finish packet page.

Other:  career day, t-shirt, talent show, book orders due

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Too Late to Apologize


Today we learned more about the causes of the Revolutionary War.  Miss Kaeppler taught Math class today!


Math: HWK 6.6 1-4, and get initialed by a parent.

Reading: 20 minutes, finish your advertising project, finish quotation page in packet.

Other:  t-shirt orders due Friday, Book order due Friday, Career Day slips due, talent show tryout permission due.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Happy April Fool's Day!  We had a great time doing our morning concert for our families!


Math: HWK 6.2 1, 3 and 5

Reading: read 20 minutes, sort spelling

Other: Concert tonight at 6-meet in our room at 5:45.  Fine arts night 4:30-6

Monday, March 31, 2014


Today we had our dress rehearsal for our musical. You can come to see it Tuesday at 8:45 or 6pm.


Math: HWK 6.1 evens, get initialed

Reading: read 20 minutes, sort spelling words.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Today we played Math games with our pals at the end of the day. We also corrected our Math tests and those will go home sometime next week for a signature.


Reading: finish packet
Math: None
Other: t-shirt orders, class skit permission slip, book order, student teacher starts Monday, learn lines for music and bring props if you need them for the dress rehearsal.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Today we studied what homophones are. Have your child give you some examples.  We also continued to work on our opinion essays by collaborating over Google Drive with other students.


Reading: sort spelling words, opinion essay final due Friday-we will work on it one last time in class Thursday morning.

Math: Study test form B. Our test is Thursday.

Social Studies: 13 colonies quiz is this Thursday-study!

Other: T-shirt orders due, late start tomorrow, career fair slips.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Today our Eagle Training lesson was on bullying. I posted a few of the videos on my blog that we watched in class. I also posted them on the BDM PBIS website: bdmpbis@weebly.com.

We have late start this Wednesday!

Our student teacher, Ms. Kaeppler, starts next Monday!


Reading: 20 minutes, be done with at least half of your Gary Paulsen book.

Math: Non-we are reviewing in class tomorrow for our test on Thursday.

Other: Career Fair slips due in April, late start Wednesday, Concert April 1st, T-shirt orders due

Anti-Bullying Videos

Friday, March 21, 2014


Happy Beach Day!  Keep celebrating by coming to tonight's Spring Fling at BDM from 5-8!!!


Reading: get poem signed-due Monday

Math: HWK 5.10 for practice, not due as homework, but good practice for our test next week.

Other: Career Day forms, Spring Fling tonight 5-8

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

13 Colonies Song


Today we worked hard on identifying the theme of our books, and worked on dividing with a decimal divisor.


Math: HWK 5.7 Odds, due tomorrow

Reading: Read 20 minutes, finish pgs 6-9 in cursive book (we did this in class, but some people didn't finish) finish written sort of Spelling words (We did this in class, but some people didn't finish)

Social Studies: finish labeling 13 colonies on map in pencil, spelling correctly, and capitalized (we did this in class, but some people didn't finish)


Noon dismissal tomorrow-bring lunch if you want.
Beach Day Friday
Spring Fling Friday 5:30
Career Fair Slips
Sucker money for Thursday and Friday

Pi Day 3-14

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Today we had library and Spanish. We spent time playing a game to learn the names of the 13 colonies. Check it out on my links!


Reading-20 minutes, sort Spelling words


Other-T-shirt designs due Friday

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today we had Art in the morning.  We also got to enjoy the warmer weather with an outdoor recess!


Math: Homework 5.4 due tomorrow initialed by a parent. I sent home a page from their workbook to help with understanding of what is going on.

Reading: Read 20 minutes, sort spelling words.

Other: Late start tomorrow
T-shirt designs due Friday
Growth and development notes due Friday

Friday, March 7, 2014


Whew-this week was so busy, I didn't update the blog! Sorry about that. Thanks to all parents who came to conferences yesterday! If I didn't see you this week, I will see you on the 20th.


Reading: read poem to someone and get signed.

Math: HWK 5.2 Odds, get initialed.

Other: foreign language fair Friday night from 5:30-7:30, t-shirt designs due 3-14

Friday, February 28, 2014


Today our class watched the movie The City of Ember as a class e-ticket reward!  Nice job guys!!!  We also had a lot of students helping out younger students at Jump Rope For Heart.  I am sure Mr. Armatoski appreciated the help!


Reading: The last Fang is due next week. Read 20 minutes.

Math: finish pg 143-144 in Math workbook if you didn't do it is class.

Other:  Dr. Suess week next week, bring in any books you have by him!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Today our class was very helpful with our new student, Aliah.  Thanks!  We also spent some time on Dreambox practicing Math, and Typing club.  You can access both of these programs from any computer, at any time!


Reading: read 20 minutes

Math: 4.9 was finished in class, practice if your multiplication skills are still an issue.

Other: Book order due Friday, Conference Slips due now, Movie Friday-bring snack and drink if you want!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Today we found out we are getting a new student tomorrow-Welcome Aliah!


Reading: 3rd Fang due

Math: We did HWk 4.9 in class

Social Studies: finish atlas worksheet

Other: conference slips due, movie Friday-you can bring a snack, book order due Friday, Late start tomorrow

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Today we spent some time in the computer lab with Mrs. Sabel working on our Jay Talk papers. Then we did typing club and Dreambox Math work.


Reading: 20 minutes. 3rd Fang due Monday.

Math: finish HWK 4.6 for tomorrow.

Other: noon dismissal tomorrow, no school Friday.  Book order due 2/28, sports stuff to donate for Spring Fling raffle basket.

Current Events

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Today we finished up our MAP testing. I will go over the scores with you during March conferences.  I will be having a guest teacher tomorrow while I am at a training.  I expect wonderful behavior for the Guest Teacher.  I will not be doing a blog entry tomorrow.

A reminder that tomorrow is a late start Wednesday.


Reading: read 20 minutes, second Fang due on Friday or Monday. Study valentine words.

Math: Homework 4.4, initialed by a parent when finished.  Due tomorrow.

Other: valentine party on Thursday, bring in a paper bag by Thursday to make a mailbox with. Also bring in food if you signed up to do so.

Jay Talk conference slips due back to Mrs. Sabel

Bring in a logo on a package etc for Art-explain it to your parents.

Monday, February 10, 2014

1,000 Island Trip


We had a PBIS assembly at the end of the day today. We are challenging students to do kind things for people where they don't get any recognition. We will be filling out hearts with names of people who do something kind for another.  As a school, we would like to collect 500 hearts by the end of the month.


Reading: read 20 minutes, study valentine spelling words.

Math: homework 4.3 Odds, get initialed by an adult.

Other: Reading MAP test tomorrow. Valentine party on Thursday. Jay Talk slips due to Mrs. Sabel.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Today our first grade pals came to our room so we could show them how to use Tumblebooks at home.

Tomorrow is our field trip. Remember to dress in layers and wear all of your winter wear.


Reading: 20 minutes, first signed Fang due tomorrow, Spelling sort

Math: Homework 4.2 ODDS due tomorrow with initials

Other: field trip tomorrow, popcorn Friday

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Today the author Lester Laminack came to talk to our students. He discussed how he comes up with ideas as a writer and told some funny stories.  I will post pictures soon.


Reading: 20 minutes-first Fang due signed on Friday, Sort Spelling Words or do SpellingCity

Math: get math test signed and return. Get Homework 4.1 initialed twice if you haven't already.

Other: get warm clothing ready for Friday and all winter weather gear for outside.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Tonight is the rescheduled date for open gym. It is from 5:30-6:30. Please make sure there is an adult in charge with any kids that attend.


Reading: 20 minutes, 1st Fang due Friday.  Sort Spelling or do SpellingCity.

Math: finish homework 4.1, and get initialed again by a parent.

Other: open gym tonight from 5:30-6:30.  Field Trip on Friday-winter clothing required!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Today the kids had a guest teacher in the afternoon while I was at a meeting. I will keep you posted on their behavior :)

Reading: 20 minutes, 1st Fang is due Friday for the reading club, sort spelling or go to Spellingcity.com the username and password are both BDM5th, BDM5th

Math: homework 4.1 1-12 due Tuesday, parent initial required on the paper.

Other: field trip Friday-winter clothes a must!, Open gym Tuesday 5:30-6:30

Friday, January 31, 2014


Today we had a lockdown drill-there is a note that was sent home today that will explain it!


Please look at your child's report card and let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Today we discussed what a lock-down drill is for, we will be having one this week.  Ask your child the rules they learned about today. Tonight is Family Reading Night-enjoy it if you can!


Reading: 20 minutes, study Spelling words-test tomorrow.

Math: None-we took a test today and we will correct it tomorrow.

Other: Field Trip $4 and lunch slip due tomorrow!  Popcorn Friday tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Today we took our first MAP test of the winter. We took Language, then on Friday we will take Math, and then on Feb. 11th we will take Reading.

Open Gym is rescheduled for Tuesday, February 4th.


Reading: read 20 minutes, presentations continue tomorrow.

Math: finish Math test form B tonight-use the answer key to check answers, and re-do any incorrect ones.

Other: field trip $4 and lunch forms due Friday.  Some students did not have their Spanish project due after having 5 days to work on it.  Check agendas to see if there is a note about it.

Current Events 1/29

Current Events 1/29

Monday, January 27, 2014


Today was a cold one, so we of course had indoor recess. Please check to see if your child has the proper winter wear-even if we don't go outside for recess, they are outside at the start and end of the day.  They have cancelled school for Tuesday for Menasha-so I will see your kids on Wednesday.


Math: Study pgs 97-98 in your workbook. We will still be doing a few more days of review before taking our Unit 3 Math test on Thursday.

Reading: read 20 minutes, sort spelling words. Finish your presentation on your biography person so you are ready for Wednesday.

Other: Field trip $4 and lunch slips due THIS Friday.  Our trip is on the 7th.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Happy Tuesday! I heard that for the most part, the class behaved for the guest teacher while I was gone on my vacation.  I marked positive and negative points on the Class Dojo website. If you are not logged onto that website, it probably means that I don't have your email address-feel free to email me your address at any time and I will get it started for you!


Math:  3.12 odds at the top and then choose two to do from the bottom and draw pictures to go along with them!

Reading: read 20 minutes and study Spelling words

Other: late start tomorrow,  noon dismissal Friday, book order due Friday

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today we spent time comparing biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Ask your child what are some similarities and some differences.


Math: pick 6 from 1-2 on HWK 3.10 and draw a picture for each!

Reading: Read 20 minutes, Spelling test tomorrow

Other: Popcorn Friday, $4 for Feb Field trip.Book order due Jan 24th, Guest teacher Friday and Monday.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Finally-we had a Monday again :)  We welcomed back Alberto who had been on a family trip to Mexico.


Reading: 20 minutes, find books on your person for your biography project. Family tradition signed and returned.

Math: HWK 3.9-do all

Other: noon dismissal tomorrow (Tuesday) either take hot lunch in the room, bring a lunch to eat, or eat when you go home.

Book order due 1-24

Friday, January 10, 2014


Today we had Pals with our first grade friends.  The 5th graders helped the first graders make a book about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We also spent some time looking up people we might want to do a biography project on.


Reading: 20 minutes, get family tradition paper signed, look up books about your person for your project.

Math: Homework 3-8, odds. Do a problem or two off of HWK 3-7 if you didn't do well on it.

Other: we have an field trip on Feb. 7th to 1,000 Island Nature Center. There will be a note about the cost etc coming home next week. If you wanted to chaperone, please call the office to make sure you have an updated background check on file.

Book orders due Jan 24th

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Happy New Year!  We had a great first day back!


Reading: Read 20 minutes

Other: Popcorn Friday