Friday, April 29, 2011


Today we got to see the Opera For the Young's performance of the Pirates of Penzance. All of the students involved did a wonderful job!!!! Miss Kearney was here yesterday to shadow me and learn more about our schedule. My official last day is next Friday. If I go into labor before then, another sub will be here until Miss Kearney starts. I showed Miss Kearney how to use the blog. I told her it is really up to her if she wants to keep it going. If she doesn't, she will still do agendas and Thursday Fridge Notes.


Math: Please get your unit 5 Math test signed by an adult and return by Monday. I passed it out on Thursday of this week.

If you are interested in the library contest-the drawings are due Friday, May 6th
If you are interested in being a narrator for the talent show, the slips due Friday, May 6th.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today we had Guidance and Art. In Guidance we reviewed safety rules that we have learned in the past. Juan brought cookies in for being teacher's pet. Thanks Juan!


Math: Get your Unit 5 Math test signed and return by Monday at the latest.

ILA: No Poem tonight

Other: If you are not in the talent show and want to be a narrator, please get the blue slip signed and return it by May 6th. If I have more people bring them in I will choose 4 from a hat.

Popcorn money

Spring Celebration is tonight from 5:30-6:30

Monday, April 18, 2011


Today is the day in history that Paul Revere made his midnight ride in 1775! We will be having our final speech competition tomorrow morning at 9:30. The top three from our class will be competing against the top three from Mrs. Hesselman's class. Our top finalists are Ben, Olivia, and Haleigh. Congrats and good luck!


Reading: Read in Clements book.

Lang Arts: Get speech grade sheet signed, I only got 12 out of 30 back today.....

Other:Be sure to dress for the weather tomorrow

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today we went on a nature walk with our pals. While on the walk, they used a bingo checklist to see if they could find certain things while they were walking, like animals and bugs. It wasn't the warmest walk we have ever been on, but we still had fun :)

Congrats to Ben, Olivia, and Haleigh! They are the 3 finalists in our speech competition. They will be competing against Mrs. Hesselman's top three next Tuesday. Good luck!


Lang. Arts: Show your speech rubric to your parents and have them sign it. It needs to be returned on Monday. If you have any questions, please let me know.

String student have a rehearsal Monday for the Strings Festival which is Monday night. They will be leaving school together at around 9 and coming back to BDM a few hours later.

No school on Friday, april 22nd, but we DO have school Monday the 25th-it is a make up for our used snow day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today we had computer with Mr. Staehler. We also worked on finding common denominators for adding and subtracting fractions and had art.


Lang Arts: No Poem today, I will be sending grades home for speeches to be signed tomorrow-I will also announce the top three speeches that are moving on to the final competition (Next Tuesday).

Reading: Finish Clement's reading for the week.

Last day of penny war tomorrow
Popcorn money

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today we spent most of the day listening to speeches. Then we went out with Mrs. Hesselman's class to pick up garbage that might have been blown around by yesterday's storm. We all worked together and the school's grounds look much better now!


Lang. Arts: if you have a speech tomorrow-be prepared! Have yoru note cards and speech packet ready to hand in.

Spelling: No list this week.

Reading; if you are behind in your Andrew Clements book from last week, catch up at home.


Author David Greenberg visits tomorrow-if you are ordering any books to be signed, the money and order form are due tomorrow (they were sent home twice last week).

Gummi Bear class skit notes due by Wed-we will start practicing then.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today we had Pals. We made bluebird of happiness nests with our kindergarten pals.


Lang Arts: Speech packet due Monday-make sure you have all signatures for your practices and all other pages filled in.

Author David Greenberg is coming on Tuesday. If you would like to order any of his books, please return the order form and money by Monday. I will send home another copy of this order form today.

penny wars-5th grade is losing badly...we have one more week to go!!!!


I have the class' Voicethread presentation on the Useful Links list. We had one student whose voice was deleted, so we fixed it and it all works. If you didn't have a chance to see it yet, please click on that link to watch it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Conferences are tonight. Please email or text me if you can't attend. My cell number is 277-4167. We do not have poetry homework tonight. I sent home the Timber Rattler tickets that some students earned while doing the Fang Reading Club tonight-don't lose them!!!!


Reading: No poem. Read chapters in your Andrew Clements book if you are behind.

Lang Arts: keep practicing speeches, get speech practice sheet signed. Speech packet is due Monday...The speech schedule for next week is printed on the back of the Fridge Note

Popcorn money
penny war $
Book order due tomorrow

conferences TONIGHT:
3:30 Mikayla
3:50 Alex L
4:10 Emily
4:30 AJ
4:50 Ben
5:10 Andy
5:30 Aleshia
5:50 Alex R.
6:10 Gabbie
6:30 Chris

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today we finished up talking about the Bill of Rights. It was also nice to go outside at recess without having to worry about boots and snowpants :)


Spelling: Test tomorrow

Lang Arts: Practice speech and get speech sheet signed three times by Monday

Poem for contest due tomorrow (optional)

book order due Friday-it is ready online if you want to order through the website.

Just a reminder....
conferences TOMORROW (Thursday):
3:30 Mikayla
3:50 Alex L
4:10 Emily
4:30 AJ
4:50 Ben
5:10 Andy
5:30 Aleshia
5:50 Alex R.
6:10 Gabbie
6:30 Chris

Let me know if you can't make it.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today I checked speech packets to see if students had gotten their three signatures for practicing their speech three times last week. I had about half of the class that didn't have any, or just not all three signatures/comments. If you have not seen a signature sheet for practicing speeches, ask your child about it. If your child forgets their packet at home, you can write the three dates they gave the speech to you, sign each, and write a comment. They can always staple this paper into their packet at school.


Lang. Arts: Practice speech three times at home this week and get paper signed all three times. If you didn't get signatures last week, you should be doing this each day....

Poem for Poetry contest is due Thursday-this is optional.

Spelling: Study new list

11 am dismissal tomorrow
$1 to wear a hat tomorrow-proceeds go to Japan
$ for penny war this week and next week

Friday, April 1, 2011


We had a great April Fools Day :)

Homework :

Lang Arts: 3 signatures on speech practice sheet due Monday

Reading: Last day to turn in Fangs is on Monday

Other: Penny War next week

Poems for poetry contest due Thursda-this is optional