Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today my class got a sneak peak at the yearbook-it came in the mail today! If your child did not order a yearbook yet this year they will get a yellow slip at their conference. We will be passing out yearbooks the first week in May.


Lang. Arts: practice speech 3 times by Monday and get it signed. Also get the page signed before that in your packet.

Reading: 20 min for Fang

spelling: Study list-test tomorrow

We have a guest teacher tomorrow-I will be in the building at a meeting
Smencils are sold out-so don't bring more money!
Conferences tonight:
3:50 Luis
4:10 Aaron
4:30 Maddy
4:50 Tanner
5:10 Dawson
5:30 Anmarie
5:50 Juan
6:10 Utsav
6:30 Erik
6:50 Olivia

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today we finally made our terrariums! now we just have to wait for the grass seed to grow. Students can still bring in a small toy to put in their terrarium.


Lang Arts: practice speech 3 times by next Monday-have adults sign and date slip. Also get the page before that signed. That was due today.

Reading: Fang 20 min

Social Studies: Current Events

Other: Recorders tomorrow

$1 for Smencil Sale -Wed, Thurs, Fri

Monday, March 28, 2011


Today we went to the computer lab to finish typing our persuasive papers about OARS. I will be giving these papers to a volunteer at OARS and some of them might be used to persuade someone to adopt an animal!

We also started to practice our note cards for our speech today in class. Tonight you will need to look at your child's notecards and help them with anything they need to improve them. Then sign the notecard note for tomorrow. This week and next, your child needs to practice their speech for an adult three times for a total of 6 times. Each time they practice the speech, an adult needs to sign and date it and also put in some comments. The speech should be between 3-5 minutes. If it is not, your child will need to find more information at home.


Lang Arts: Get notecard sheet signed after you show your notecards to an adult. Practice your speech at least three times for an adult at home this week, and get the practice sheet filled out.

Reading: 20 min Fang-this is the last week to bring in signed Fangs for your baseball diamond.

Spelling: study your list that you made today in class. Test is Thursday.

Bring in $1 tomorrow if you want to wear a hat during school-it is a fundraiser for Japan.

Conferences coming up on Wed. I will list the students and times tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today we finished up our food chains, notecards, and OARs essay. If your child needs more information for their note cards, they need to work on it over Spring Break. We will start practicing our speeches after break.

I am in need of sticky notes. I had a whole containeer of them, but they all mysteriously disappeared....we need them for our reading groups after break. If every student brought in one pack, we should be good to go.

We also finished our Voicethread presentation on the Revolutionary War. I have it posted on my blog. If it says you might now be able to view it, just x the message out and it will work-if it still doesn't work, I put a link to it under "useful links" on the right hand side of the blog page.


Reading: 20 min for Fang-bring in your home base Fang tomorrow or after break. I will then give the names of those students to Mrs. Peterson and they will get a voucher for a Ticket to a Timber Rattlers game.

Crazy Hair Day tomorrow
11 am dismissal tomorrow
Movie tomorrow-you may bring in a snack for yourself

The Revolutionary War

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today we finally finished our no excuse spelling tests for all of the grades! After Spring break we will be making our own lists of words that we missed.

We also started coming up with song names that we might use for a class skit for the talent show. Talent show try-outs are at the end of April, so I will send home a note to be signed if your students is wanting to be a part of our skit. If y our child wants to do their own act for the show, they should start to think about what they want to do, who they want to do it with, and start practicing!


Lang. Arts. Note cards need to be done by the time you get back from Spring Break. Parents-you can ask them to show them what they have done so far so you can make sure they are on the right track. After break we will start to practice their speeches.

Science: Finish your food chain at home tonight if you didn't finish in class. We will do the paragraph together tomorrow.

Reading: Read 20 min for Fang

Music: Tell your parents what project you are working on for music class and let them know if you need any materials. Mrs. Kellnhauser will let me know when the final due date will be (after Spring Break) and I will pass it along to parents.


Green Day tomorrow

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today we worked on our OARS essay, focusing on adding a thought that we think could help our essay be more detailed.


Social Studies: Current Event due tomorrow.

Other: Conferences-see yesterdays list for times. If you can't come, please call the office or text me at 277-4167.

Tomorrow is mis-match day

Monday, March 14, 2011


Today we worked on our note cards for the first time and did more editing on our persuasive essay we are working on in class.


Other: Tomorrow is hat day
Conferences tomorrow:

3:30-3:50 Jasmine
4:10-4:30 Ty
4:30-4:50 Heather
4:50-5:10 Martina
5:10-5:30 Alex L.
5:30-5:50 Haleigh
6:10-6:30 Nick
6:30-6:50 Riley
6:50-7:10 Isaac

These times are for Tuesday-just a reminder!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today the class had fun at recess with all of the new, packy snow. Hopefully it will be gone soon :)


Lang. Arts: Get your text map, and your intro and ending page signed in your speech packet. We need to be ready to transfer the information onto note cards next week. If parents see that their child needs more information to fill in their charts, they will need to help their student find information on the web, or at the library.

Reading: Fang 20 minutes

Science: 2-liter bottles-we will be making our terrariums next week and the more we have, the better!

T-shirt money due Friday
Squeaker notes due Friday
Conference slips-I only need 4 back now-I sent a second copy home to those people today
Book order due Friday-it is open on the internet now....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today we had our Growth and Development Talk in class. I have told students that if they have any questions about what they learned, they should go to their parents or another trusted adult. They know that they should not be asking questions of other students. This is because some students would feel uncomfortable with converstaions like this, and it could be considered harassment. If you as a parent have any questions about the videos etc. please let me know!


Social Studies: Current Events due tomorrow

Reading: 20 minutes for Fang

Science: food in ziploc bags for decomposer activity, 2 liter bottles with caps still needed

Music: Have all of your Oliver Project Supplies for tomorrow

t-shirt orders due Friday
Book order due Friday-I made the order available online-sorry for the confusion...If you want to order online it is all set....
Squeaker notes due Friday

Monday, March 7, 2011


Today the class went to the computer lab to get information during Music class for a Oliver project. Tomorrow we have our Growth and Development talk at 1pm


Reading: Fang 20 minutes

Lang Arts: Gather more information about your speech topic if needed. We are finishing our outlines this week. I will send them home to be signed on Wed.

Science: 2 liter bottles, you can also bring food in a ziploc bag so we can observe decomposers.

Conference slips still needed from some students
T-shirt orders due Friday
Book orders due Friday
Squeaker notes due Friday

Friday, March 4, 2011


I got a very good report from Ms. Kearney, who was the guest teacher in my room yesterday. I really appreciate the kids who act with respect even when I am not there to witness it :)


Science: Decomposers-if you want to bring in a non-messy food in a ziploc bag we will observe how mold decomposes it :)

pink puberty slip due-Growth and Development talk is next Tuesday.
Conference slips signed and returned
1st week Fang can be brought in on Monday if you forgot
Squeaker Spring Break/Summer note
Book order due Friday, March 11th
T-shirt order due Friday, March 11th

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today we read Time for Kids and wrote about what we read in our Reader's Response Logs. We also met with partners to talk about current events.

We also started our unit on habitats/food chains today in Science.


Reading: If you are participating in the Fang Reading Club, you should be reading 20 minutes a night. This Friday the first fang is due signed. I will be having out the first week's prize on Friday.

Science: We now have enough soil (Thanks Forster family!) so now I need as many cleaned out 2 liter bottles with caps as I can get.

Pink Puberty note due Friday
T-Shirt orders due March 11th

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today we worked on getting our speech information into a text map. It kind of showed us what information we were still lacking. Kids can look up any other information at home on computers, or at the library.


Social Studies: Current Events due tomorrow

Science: Terrarium supplies (2 liter bottles with cover washed out, small decorative things) Thanks Thibodeau family for the grass seed and soil!

Pink Puberty slip due Friday
T-Shirt order due March 11th