Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29th

Today Mrs. Hess showed the 5th graders last y ear's 5th grade slideshow. Then the students got to talk about what pictures they would like in the show this year.


Reading: We do not have a poem to read tonight. Come to the Spring Celebration insead and read our poem together on stage! come at 5:50 to get ready. free ice cream sundaes will follow.


Full band tomorrow
popcorn $
craft $ (I have only recieved money from 5 students)
T-shirt money due tomorrow

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27th

Today we went to the computer lab twice to look up events that have happened every year in our lives. We will be using these notes to write lyrics for our own personal "We Didn't Start the Fire." The kids have been helping with mine, and it is really cool!


Spelling: no sentences tonight!

Social Studies: Current Events due tomorrow

Lang. Arts: caricature and text map arguments due tomorrow. Letter to Al due Friday.

Progress report packet due
craft money due Friday
T-shirt $ due Friday

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th

Today we did a history quiz on the History Channel website. I put it on the links to the right of my blog. The username and password are mrstegge, mrstegge. They can go on and take the quiz, or have parents do one as well. It is ten questions, and it times you as well to give points. We also have all gotten letters back from our penpal in Afghanistan, Al. The kids all enjoyed reading his responses, and they will be writing him back.


Lang. Arts: Charicature due Wed.

Writing: finish letter to Al

Spelling: Study

Math: If you didn't give me your Unit 6 homework packet, it needs to be in ASAP!
Study pages in your book 255-256. We have a test tomorrow. Then keep that book at home, we are done with it!

$ for crafts due Friday
$ for t-shirts due Friday
If you can chaperone our May 5th trip, please email or send a note!
Sign and return the progress report!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22nd

Today is Earth Day! We talked a bit about things you can do to help save energy, water, and the environment! We also had a tornado drill as a school. Please go over where your child should go in your home if a tornado warning ever occurs.

I need at least 5 chaperones to go with on our day long incentive trip to the Menominee Park and Zoo in Oshkosh. If you can go with us on May 5th, please let me know ASAP!


Reading: Get poem signed. Finish speech packet if it is not done already.

Math: make sure Homework and remembering 6.1-6.6 are done. If you are confused, at least try and do most of the page. We don't have to do 6.5. I will be collecting these packets tomorrow and giving out initials for each page not done! If you need to leave me a note on any of the pages if your child does not understand the work etc, please do!

Full Band
popcorn money
t-shirt order due April 30th
Craft donation money

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st

While talking about We Didn't Start the Fire, we learned about Jaun Peron, who used to be a leader in Argentina. We asked Senora Gorski about it because she grew up in Argentina. She remembered when someone walked into her 5th grade classroom and told them that he had died. She also had a picture of her grandfather in back of Juan Peron when he came to visit a town. What an interesting connection!!!!


Spanish: finish the crossword puzzle for tomorrow.

Lang. Arts finish your packet and your picture should be done by next week.

Math: Homework and Remebering 6.6 (we skipped 6.5) Make sure 6.1-6.4 are done, I will be collecting the packets on Friday.

Spelling: Test tomorrow

Other: Any Jay Talk slips that were not returned should be returned to Mrs. Hess tomorrow.

T-Shirt orders due April 30th

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20th

Today we looked up our speech person in encyclopedias. If we couldn't find them there, we will be looking on the online encyclopedias. If y ou use my link to the MJSD page on my blog, you can go to BDM and then to library. If you click on the encyclopedia the username and login is menasha and bluejay. then you can access it at home!


Lang. Arts: your speech packet should be all filled in by Monday. Make sure you have three persuasive reasons why your person is so important to American history!

Spelling: We do not have sentences for our test on Thursday.

Math: finish any Homework and Remembering from 6.2-6.4 that are not completed.

Mrs. Hess' Jay Talk slips due
T-shirt money due April 30th
Bring hand-held pencil sharpeners because our electric one is breaking down, and I can't buy another until next school year.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th

Today we worked hard on learning some of the people, places, and events in the song We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel. It spans the years 1949-1989. We are using it for a fun end of the year Social Studies activity.


Reading: fill out your speech packet, especially if you lost yours and I gave you a new one today. It should be mostly filled out with maybe a few missing details.

Spelling: Study

Other: Jay Talk slips back to Mrs. Hess
T-shirt $ due the 30th.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th

Today we did a nature scavenger hunt with our kindergarten pals. We also had Mrs. Hess in class for guidance and we played a bully trivia game. Our class has come a long way from the bullying behaviors they used to have, but I have still heard about some name calling going on, so it was good to review.


Math: Homework and remembering 6.2 due Monday

Lang. Arts: have your speech packet alomst done (you could still have one or two questions left blank) We will be looking up more information in encyclopedias next week.


Book orders online are open until tonight at midnight. Then I will place it tomorrow. go to to parent ordering, and then put teggek, teggek in for the username and password.

T-shirt orders due April 30th

Permission slips for the talent show skit are due Monday. No late slips will be accepted.

Bright blue Jay-Talk slips for Mrs. Hess are due ASAP! They were sent home on Thursday of this week.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th

Today we spent some time writing notes using the books we checked out about our speech topics. Then we learned how to cite the book. At the end of the day we went to the computer lab to print out information for our speech. The speech note packet is due Monday.


Language Arts: Speech note packet is due Monday

Reading: Read poem and get it signed.

book order due tomorrow-order online tonight
Full band
popcorn money
Talent show skit note due Monday

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trip to OARS

April 12th

Welcome back from spring break! It was nice to relax for a week because the rest of the y ear is going to be super busy!!!!

Today we walked to the OARS building in Neenah. I will post pictures soon! I will have a sub in class tomorrow-I am helping grade district writing assessments. Please remind your child how to act for a sub. Thanks!


Reading: If y ou do not have a book about your speech person, you will need to choose someone else to do it on.

Math: Study pages 229 and 230 tonight in your activity book-test tomorrow!

Spelling: study list

Science: if you didn't take notes on climate, get them from somebody else to copy. You can use the notes on the quiz Wed.

Other: Book orders due Friday-online or handed in
Bring recorders for music class tomorrow

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pizza Party!

April 7th

I hope everybody is enjoying their break! I went to the library in Appleton yesterday to get books about the people you all chose for your speeches. The ones I couldn't find were some singers like Jo Jo, Amy Lee, Michael Jackson and Bob Dylan. I also could not find The football player with the last name Priest (?) and Sully Sullenberger. Remember, I would like for y ou to use at least one book as a reference, so if you can't find at least one book, you will need to change your person.

OARS emailed me with a poster that included a quote from Kyle's letter about adopting the cat named Flower. I will try to post it on the blog.... I guess she has been adopted!!!! They thought his letter was so nice they are using the quote on a poster for an event there this Sunday. I think it is a brat fry. If anybody wants to go to this event, feel free. Remember to bring any donations for OARS to school on Monday the 12th for our walking trip there.

See you all soon!