Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28th

We had a fun party today! Thanks for all of the goodies and parents who came to help out!


Book order due Nov. 7th. I will post a link for the online ordering soon on my blog.

No school Thursday and Friday

Set clocks back an hour on Sat.

Band Monday

Funset night tonight from 5-10

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day of the Dead Flowers!

October 27th

Today we checked out picture books that we are eventually going to read with our kindergarten pals. We will be practicing reading the books to each other in class to prepare ourselves. Students can bring in any picture book from home that they would like to read-please put your name inside the cover so it doesn't get lost.


Reading:finish group pages and journal if it was on your schedule today.

Other: PJ day and party tomorrow. Bring pumpkin and anything else you signed up for to bring to the party.

baby photos, UNICEF money, Book it, and fire safety poster all due tomorrow!

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26th

Today we started our unit on Microscopes. We went over the parts of a microscope and their proper names. Then we set up our new microscopes and tried them out. It will be a fun unit!


Reading: Finish pages and reader's response if it applies to your reading group

Spelling: It will be a fun test this week for Halloween, so study if you want tickets. The list is on

Writing: If you would like to type your Halloween story at home, go ahead. If not, I will try to get some more computer time soon.

Other: incentive tomorrow-bring a snack and a pillow and blanket if you would like. We are going to be watching a movie together in the commons.

Wed is our PJ day and Fall party. Remember to bring in a pumpkin/gourd to paint and the food etc you said you would bring.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23rd

Happy Birthday to Austin!!! (October 24th). We enjoyed the lemon bars that he brought in to share with all of us!


Have a great weekend!!!!

Baby photos, fire safety poster, unicef $-all due Wed., October 28th.

October 27th is our 5th grade October incentive. Any student with less than 5 initials on their initial card will be watching a movie with the rest of the 5th grade. You may bring a snack and a drink to have during the movie.

October 28th is a Pajama/stuffed animal day-our class earned it by visiting and getting points for reading quizzes. Congrats! That day is our fall party also, so remember to bring any goodies you had signed up to bring!

I added a link to the right for a site that we got from Mrs. Peterson. It has some fun Halloween games on it. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22nd

Today we worked in the compture lab typing our Halloween stories. The kids worked very hard-sustained silent typing :)


Math: Study pages 53 and 54 in your Math Activity Book in preparation for the test tomorrow

Social Studies: Study your studyguide and then make sure to get it signed by an adult. Bring this to school tomorrow.

Reading: finish group pages/journal

ILA: read poem and get signed by an adult

Other: Band tomorrow, popcorn $

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21st

Today we switched Art times with first grade, it worked out well. Then we had indoor recess twice, so we are a little wound up :) I added some useful links to the right hand side of this blog-all you have to do is click!


Reading: finish reading pages in your book group, and finish your reader's response if it was your day for that.

Writing: Make sure you have your corrected Halloween story ready for typing tomorrow-some students forgot theirs at school or home for today...

Social Studies: Study and get study guide signed. You must study it once tonight, and once tomorrow for our quiz on Friday.

Other: Baby photos, UNICEF, and Fire Safety Posters all due on 10-28

We are only a hundred points away from getting the prize from Mrs. Tegge on 5tegge(password and username)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20th

Today we worked more on our Halloween/fall personal narratives. Tonight students are bringing home their rough drafts for you to check over. I have a cover letter that tells what to look for.


Social Studies: current events articles due tomorrow

Reading: Finish pages in your book and Reader's Response Log if you didn't finish in class.

ILA: Have your parents/an adult help edit your paper following the cover sheet. Then make sure they sign the sheet and return it tomorrow.

Other: UNICEF $, BBBS $, Pumpkin for painting, Baby photo

Picture Retake day tomorrow! Bring in photo package if you want a new photo taken or money if you weren't here the first picture day.

Funset Wristband money due this Friday!

visit, username 5tegge, password 5tegge. Take a quiz on a book that you have read and earn points for our class to get a reward.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19th

I went to the website and now set up a student accoutn where students can quiz themselves on books they have read and get points for the class to earn rewards. I had an account, but it was a teacher's account so the kids would not be able to earn points. The new username and password are both 5tegge. You can access this at home. I will have the class try to get on it this Thursday at our computer time.

Today we had our first all school assembly. I was pleased with the way our class respected the speakers and listened.


ILA: If you did not finish the intro and the main body to your Halloween story, please finish. We will be talking about endings tomorrow

Other: Unicef $ due 10-28, baby photos due 10-28, pumpkins for painting on 10-28, Funset wristband money and sheets due Oct. 23rd

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 16th

Today we carved pumpkins with our kindergarten pals. Thanks to all of the parents who donated pumpkins. I will post pictures hopefully this weekend.


Have a great weekend!

Other: Band lessons Monday
Baby photo due 10-28
Fire Safety poster due 10-28
UNICEF change due 10-28
bring in small pumpkins to paint (starting Monday, Oct. 26th so they do not rot)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th

Today we started to work on a personal narrative story about Halloween or fall. We talked about how the introduction paragraph has to grab the readers' attention. You can do this by starting your story with an action. Conferences are tonight, I had the students with conferences write the time down in their agenda.


Lang Arts: read poem to at least one person and get it signed for tomorrow.

Math: finish homework and remembering 1-9 if you didn't last night

Other: Our first full band rehearsal is tomorrow morning, everybody in band needs to bring their instruments and get to school at 8:05. Come upstairs, check in on the smartboard and then go to the commons to get ready.

BBBS change, pumpkins for pals due tomorrow, baby photo for yearbook

There is a website called I have a username and password of teggek, teggek. Once there you can click on "kids zone" and then enter in titles of books to take quizzes on. If you get 90 percent or higher on a quiz you can earn points for our class to win prizes. You can enter in titles of books that you have read anytime! Try it out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14th

Today we learned about Cortes and how he defeated the Aztecs. It was not a very peaceful story.


Math: Homework and remembering 1-9. At least give the homework a try-the remembering page is a bit easier.

Spelling: study list-test tomorrow

Other: change for BBBS, Unicef. Baby photos due 10-28.
Book it author letters due 10-28 (optional)
We still need pumpkins and carving tools for Friday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13th

Today the class worked on their Hatchet Poster projects and continued work on their final draft of a story they wrote. I have had to remind many students to stop talking during class, not to throw things, kick people at their desk, or poke people. A lot of students have also been forgetting to do homework etc. It has made this week pretty challenging, and it is only Tuesday!!! I appreciate your help as parents to make sure your children have their work done. Please call me at night if you are confused about homework!!!! 997-0640


Social Studies: Bring in a current event article for tomorrow

Writing: Finish final draft of story. It needs to be in cursive and you need to skip lines. We have worked on this two days in class.

Reading: Not all students finished the page long alternate ending from Hatchet yesterday night. They need to finish it for tomorrow.

Math: students who still haven't finished making up late work, finish through 1-8 in your homework and remembering packet.

Other: Battle of the Books meeting next Monday at lunch recess-get a team together if you are interested! Baby photo for yearbook, fire safety poster due 10-28, UNICEF and BBBS change.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12th

Today we met our kindergarten pals. We will be carving pumpkins with them on Friday. You can send a pumpkin to donate by Friday if you are able. We also need carving utensils. We also had Mr. Spielbauer's class visit us. We read a short play about Columbus and then let them play a game on our Smartboard about maps.


Reading: Finish writing an alternate ending for the book Hatchet. It should be about a page long.

Math: Some students had incomplete Math packets. I had them work on it during recess, but some students had too much to finish. Please finish tonight or you will have to stay in another recess to finish.

Other: Baby photos due 10-28, fire safety poster due 10-28(we need 30, we have 7), BBBS $ due Friday, T-shirt $1 due (we still have only gotten $18 out of $30)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

photos from 10-9-09

Posing with the new microscopes bought with money donated by the PTO!
Our cart with 12 microscopes!!!!!!

Football is popular at recess time.


More friends:)

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9th

Today we baked hard tack biscuits like the ones that were on board Columbus' three ships in 1492. They were pretty tasteless, but not too bad. Maybe if they sat for months they wouldn't taste so good! Students brought the recipe for this home today.


Other: baby photos for yearbook, $1 for t-shirt maintenance, bbbs$, pumpkin for carving, book it due on 10-28

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8th

Today we finished reading Hatchet! It has a very exciting ending-ask your child about it! We will be doing a poster activity and writing alternate endings for the story in the next few days.


Reading: Read the Poem "In 1492" to an adult and get it signed for tomorrow

Other: Band tomorrow(full band starts next Friday), book order due, baby photo for yearbook, BBBS $, Fire Safety posters, Thursday folders

We will be carving pumpkins with our kindergarten pals next Friday. If possible, bring in a pumpkin to donate, as well as pumpkin carving tools labeled so they can be returned.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7th

Today the class pretended they lived back in 1492 and wrote a letter to Christopher Columbus applying for a job on one of his ships. Ask your child what job they wanted.


Spelling: Study for test tomorrow

Reading: Chapter 17 in Hatchet

Social Studies: Columbus worksheet

Math: Finish HWK and Remem 1-7

Other: Book order due Friday, baby photo, BBBS $, conference slips signed

Draw picture about fire safety if you would like to enter calendar contest. These pictures are due by October 28th. These can be turned in to me

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6th

We watched the movie The City of Ember this afternoon. Afterwards, we compared and contrasted the book and the movie. Most of us agreed that it was basically like the book with a few changes.


Reading: Read chap. 15 and 16 in Hatchet

Math: HMWK and Remembering 1-6

Social Studies: Bring in a current events article for tomorrow

Spelling: Study words


Book order due Friday, Baby photos for yearbook, BBBS change

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5th

Today we finished our read aloud book-The City of Ember. It was really good! I am going to rent the movie tonight and we will watch it in class tomorrow at around 12:45. I told the class that they can bring a snack for themself, or one to share with the class. It does not have to be healthy. If any parents want to come to see the movie as well, you are very welcome!


Math: Make sure you are done with Homework and Remembering 1-1 through 1-5

Spelling: New lists are stapled in agendas. Please study each night. Test is Thursday. Spellingcity .com has the lists on it ready to go for games and practice.

Library tomorrow

Change for Big Brothers, Big Sisters due October 16th-the 5th grade class that raises the most money will win a reward.

Return conference slips-I sent home duplicate ones to the people I haven't heard from yet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2nd

Today we finally had Guidance time with Mrs. Hess. We had missed the few couple of weeks due to the parent orientation one Friday, peer mediation training one Friday, and then our field trip last Friday!


Math: finish Homework and Remembering 1-5

Reading: Read chapter 13 in Hatchet

Other: Book order due 10-9. If you want to order online go to The username and password are both teggek.
You can order books using yoru credit card-so you will not have to reutrn money to school. I emailed parents who had given me their email with this information as well.

Conference slips signed and returned ASAP

$1 for t-shirt maintenance if you haven't already paid for it.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st

Today we practiced reading the poem It Was One of Those Fine October Days by Richard Greene. Groups got up in front of the room to present the poem. We also had Phy. Ed and Music. Please go through the Thursday folder tonight. There is a conference slip that needs to be signed and returned. If the time does not work for you, please write a note on the slip and return.


Reading: Read Poem to at least one adult at home. Have them sign the poem at the bottom. I will check tomorrow.

Math: Make sure HWK and Remembering 1-4 are done

Other: Band lessons tomorrow. Full band does not start yet
Popcorn Friday-25 cents a bag
Book Order due October 9th
Get Thursday Folder signed