Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30th

Today we had our first fire drill of the year. The class was in Art class and did a nice job staying quiet in line. We also had our first incentive of the year this afternoon. Students who had less than five initials in their incentive card got to play BINGO in the commons for small prizes. The students with 5 or more intials stayed in a detention room.


Math: finish Mult. time test if you didn't finish in 5 minutes in class. Finish Homework and Remembering 1-4

Spelling: Test tomorrow

Writing: Rough draft of story due Friday

Spanish: Presentations tomorrow-practice song at home.

Bring baby photo in for the yearbook
Popcorn Friday 10-2

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29th

Today in Spanish class Senora Gorski explained a walking trip that we will be taking on Nov. 2nd to the high school. High school students will be presenting Day of the Dead stands for us to see. I have been to this before and it is really neat. A handout went home tonight explaining it in more detail.


Reading: read chapters 10 and 11 in Hatchet

Spelling: Practice words. I did set up an account on The username and passwords are both "teggek". I have the list from this week on the site so your child can play games to study.

Writing: Rough draft of first story due Friday

Other: Spanish presentations will be on Oct. 1st, so keep practicing your song at home and get any props ready.

Return the conference time preference sheet that went home yesterday. We are planning conferences tomorrow, so I need them. If you do not have a sheet, please write the times that you are able to come to conferences (anywhere between 3:30 and 8:30) and write any siblings names and teachers so we can try to get them back to back.

No current events are due tomorrow-our schedule is a little mixed up due to the teacher's conferencing schedule meeting.

Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28th

Today was a bit more chilly than we have been used to! I actually had to close our windows! We went to the computer lab today to find the scientific name of an animal we are going to use for a Science porject. We also printed out pictures of the animal to use.


Spanish: group song presentations tomorrow. Remember any props and practice your part.

Reading: Finish chapters 7 and 8 in Hatchet.

Spelling: Practice the words you got incorrect on the Spelling pre-test today.They should be stapled in your agenda.

Other: Remember to start dressing in layers, and bring sweatshirts or spring jackets. It is going to be cooler this week!

Please fill out and return the conference time preference sheet by Wednesday, Sept. 30th!

Friday, September 25, 2009

1,000 Island Field Trip Photos

Click on a photo to make it bigger!

By the Bridge

Exciting crawfish hunting

Crawfish Extravaganza!


Happy Birthday Alex!

Alex's Crawfish birthday party!

Crawfish Hunting

A lot of us got really wet!

Our Hike

Hiking in the woods

Sept. 25th

Yesterday didn't go too well for some students when I had a substitute. Thanks to all of the students who didn't alter their behavior just because there was a sub! I have a few too m any followers in my class-so be careful! Don't follow someone else, especially if they are doing the wrong thing!

Today we had our trip to 1,000 Islands Environmental Center. It was perfect weather. The students had fun crawfish hunting in the creek, testing the river's water for ph and oxygenation, and going on a hike in the woods. I will be posting videos and pictures from the trip this weekend.


None! Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22nd

Today we practiced how to look up a book on our library system-then the computers stopped working, and Mrs. Peterson had to check out books by hand :) Back to the "old days" I guess! We also got some more work done in writing. I got to conference with some of the class about their work so far. Hatchet is an exciting book so far- a lot of action in the first few chapters!


Math: finish homework and remembering for lessons 1-1 and 1-2 if you didn't finish it on time.

Social Studies: find an article for current events-bring it in tomorrow.

Spelling: Study words for Thursday's test

Science: Study notes for Thursday's quiz

Other: Field trip on Friday-look for a reminder note on Thursday

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21st

Today we watched a video about animal classification. We also started Spelling, not in groups yet, but working on 5th grade no excuse words. Visit You can enter in a word list and practice them using games. I am trying to set up a class site that you can access at home-I will let you know the username etc when it is up and running.


Spelling: Lists are stapled in agendas. Students need to only practice words that they got incorrect on the pre-test today. They should write each of the incorrect words 5-10 times.

Reading: finish chapters 2 and 3 in Hatchet

Math: Finish homework and Remembering for lesson 1-2 in packet

Science: Study notes for quiz on Thursday

Other: Field trip on Friday-remember to bring a lunch (some of you will be getting a lunch from school if you signed up for it on your slip.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18th

Today our Peer Mediators spent the day with Mrs. Hess for some training. We also worked on the final draft of our district writing assessment and talked about why classification is important in Science and our lives.


Science: Get your Science Unit packet signed and return if you didn't turn it back in today. I want to know that your parents saw how you did on your quiz and project.

Cursive: Finish your cursive packet and return to school if you didn't do it for today.

Math: A few students didn't finish their time tests, so they were sent home to finish. If they did not hand them back to me there was a math packet sent home to be signed by parents for Monday.

$1 for t-shirt maintenance
Field trip next Friday

Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17th

Today we did the prewriting for our fall district writing assessment. We will be working on the final copy tomorrow. I will be putting in my first book order tomorrow. If you sent an order with a check, you will be receiving your books in a week. I will hand them out at school the day they come in the mail. If y ou didn't order books this month, look for an Octoboer form to go home in a few weeks.

Tonight is the BDM night at Badger State Sports Park. There is a deal for BDM families for a pizza, tokens, and 4 mini golf games. This deal goes from 5-8 pm tonight!


Math: Finish homework and remembering for lesson 1-1. We did work on this in class, so many students finished it then.

Science: Sign and check over the packet of assignments for our living things unit. I would like your signature so I know you saw the results of your child's work. If you have any comments or questions, you can write them as well.

Reading: Read poem to an adult and get their signature

Cursive: finish packet if not done

Other: Book order due tomorrow
Sign and return Thgursday Folder and go through the papers inside.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16th

Today the class had Art. Ask your child about the game they played in her class.


Other: field trip $4 and note due Friday
Book order due Friday

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15th

Today we had our pictures taken for picture day! We also talked about what current events are because it is part of our homework tonight. We will be doing current events every Wed., so it will be homework on Tuesday nights. I told students to either clip an article out of the newspaper, a magazine, print one off of the internet, or watch TV news and write a few sentences about what they see. They need to bring this in tomorrow.


Social Studies: Bring in a current event article.

Math: Finish Homework and Remembering packet for tomorrow

Other: Field trip $4 and lunch note, book order due Friday

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14th

Today Mrs. Henkel was our guest teacher while Mrs. Tegge did reading testing all day. The class behaved very well for her, which is very helpful!


We are having a lower case cursive quiz tomorrow. Have your child practice the lower case alphabet at home tonight in preparation for the quiz.

Picture Day is tomorrow! If you wanted to purchase photos, please send the money with the envelope tomorrow. Our time for photos is at 8:50, so have your child dress nicely. If they want to bring a change a clothing to change into afterwards, they can.

Book order $ due Friday

1,000 Islands $4 and lunch choice slip is due this Friday

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

Today we had our Hand in Hand orientation. Thank you to all parents, family members, and friends for coming. I know it was cramped in our room! If you have any questions, just email or call me!


Math: All students must be caught up in their homework and remembering packet FP 1-4 for Monday.

Science: If you didn't hand in your poster today, finish it for Monday

Other: picture day is Tuesday-please send in money on Monday or Tuesday

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10th

Today we read a poem called September by John Updike. We will be reading a poem together every Thursday and then students will be required to take it home and read it to someone. Whoever they read it to needs to sign the bottom of the poem. We are very excited to have parents and family come tomorrow to the hand in hand parent orientation. Please come to the LMC at 11:25 to check in. Child care is provided. If you cannot attend, please see if there is another family member or friend that can come in your place.


Math: FP lesson 3 homework and remembering sheets

Reading: read poem to at least one person. Have them sign the bottom of the poem. I will check tomorrow!

Science: Poster due tomorrow (Friday)

Other: Friday Band lesson people, bring your instruments!
Picture day $, field trip slip and $, book order due 9-18, string instrument pick up tonight at Clovis 2:30-6:30

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9th

Today is 9-9-09 :)
We had Art this morning and then the students took a Math pre-test that will give me a better idea of where they are at to begin with. This afternoon we worked on our Science posters about living things and handed in our family trees.


Reading: family interview is due tomorrow!!!

Science: Life Functions poster due Friday 9-11(we worked on it today in class for 25 minutes)

Field trip $4 and lunch note, book order due 9-18,

Hand in Hand parent orientation Friday-5th grade parents go to the LMC at 11:25. Please try to come, or send a grandparent etc. in your place!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sept. 8th

Today we had library for the first time. Mrs. Peterson did a cool sorting exercise about the library rules on her smartboard. I also introduced the class to our new class pet Zurka. The class learned a bit more about me when I showed them things from my house. Each week one student will have a chance to do the same when they are the "teacher's pet."


Spanish: Finish writing the opposite sentences on the weather sheet.

Reading: finish yourself, your parents, and your grandparents' info on your family tree for Wed.
Finish your family interview by Thursday

Other: Field trip $, patrol slips, book orders, picture day money


I didn't think I was going to get a new pet rat, but I changed my mind this weekend! I got a hairless rat and named her Zurka-which means "rat" in Latvian. I took a short video of her, she was hiding and cleaning at the time so it is kind of hard to see. I will try to get a better one later.

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4th

Today we continued working on a Math review, learning about the 5 basic functions of living things in Science, and our family tree in Reading. We also took a personality quiz that I will go over with parents at our hand in hand orientation next Friday. Thank you all for emptying and returning the Thursday folder. If you still have it at home, please bring it on Tuesday.



Fill in family tree with information and collect images/pictures to use (this is not required, but if you have pictures it would look great!) Family tree is due Tuesday.

Look over the family questionnaire. This is due next Thursday. If you get it done before Thursday you may bring it in. All questions and answers must be written in cursive.

Picture Day Money
Field trip lunch note and $4
Book order due Sept. 18th
No School on Monday!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3rd

Today the class had Phy Ed. and Music again. We also took a Spelling test that will show me where everybody's levels are and read Time For Kids.

Tonight is Thursday, so I send home a special Thursday folder with papers. If you could go through that folder with your child and then sign the folder so I know you saw it, that would be helpful. Then send that empty folder back to school on Friday.



Thursday Folder goes home. Go through the papers and have your parent sign the folder. Return tomorrow.

Picture day $

Field trip $4 and lunch slip

Book order due Sept. 18th(make checks out to Scholastic) Not all students got this, I will get extras to hand out tomorrow.

Band instrument pick up tonight-Clovis Grove Elem. 2:30-6pm

PG movie slip

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2nd

Today the kids started the day off with Mrs. Hess (Guidance counselor) so I could drop my two girls off at school for their first day. She enjoyed seeing them! Then the kids went to Art class with out new Art teacher. We did get to some fact practice in Math and read a short story in our Reading textbook about where people's ancestors come from. We will be doing a project on that shortly.


Math: Students need to do lesson FP1 homework and remembering-the first two pages in their Math homework packet. I had them put it in their take home folder. This is due tomorrow.

PG permission slip
Picture day money due by Sept. 15th
Band instrument pick up Thursday 3:30-6 at Clovis Grove Elem.
Hand in Hand orientation Friday, Sept. 11

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day

September 1st-The First Day Of School!

Today went very well. We went over a lot of routines and learned a bit about each other by playing People Bingo and Mrs. Tegge Trivia. The students were very attentive which helps when we have 29 students in the classroom! We had Phy. Ed., Music, and Spanish today as well.

I usually send home all papers on Thursdays along with a newsletter, but we had a few important papers to go home tonight. One talks about Band and when to pick up instruments.

I will fill out this blog each night with the homework so you can keep informed!!!

Tomorrow morning Mrs. Hess will start the day off with the class so I can walk my girls to school on their first day in Appleton. She is excited to see everyone again!


Band: Band instrument pick up at Clovis on Thursday from 3:30-6.

Other: Make sure you have all supplies. It looked like most of the class had everything they needed.

Healthy snacks can be eaten in class whenever your child is hungry, as long as it is not a distraction. It is also allowed to have a water bottle at all times.